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Kyung silently watched the back of his new acquaintance as the said person navigated them both through the thick crowd of adults.

"Jiho" He called, well aware that the younger probably couldn't hear him amidst all the loud chatter. He resorted to tugging at the hem of the other's jacket.

Jiho stopped his fast pace walking, turning to send a questioning look at Kyung.

"Where are we going exactly?" Kyung asked, raising his voice so the other could hear him.

Jiho shrugged

"outta here" He answered.

Kyung's eyes widened in surprise as the younger swiftly took his hand, turning around just as fast before continuing his fast pace.

The older looked down at their connected hands and felt his eyebrows raise.

"such a pushy kid" He mumbled to himself.

He supposed that one had to be pushy in other to get what they wanted, and if Jiho really was as fickle as the rumors said then the trait was probably useful.

Speaking of the rumors, they always seemed to make the younger sound so bad. Kyung was incredibly good at reading people and the few moments he'd spent with Jiho didn't really scream 'jerk!' to him.

Sure Kyung could sense some arrogance in the other, but that didn't automatically make him a dick. But then again maybe dick's were just really good at hiding their 'inner assholes'. Maybe that was made made Jiho such a good playboy: his ability to temporarily conceal his horrors.

Kyung shook his head of the thought.

He was overthinking this.

Plus it wasn't like he'd ever talk to Jiho again after today.

"Much better"

Kyung's mind came reeling back to reality at the aforementioned's voice. He'd been too far gone in his thoughts that he hadn't noticed Jiho dragging him outside.

They were currently standing on the pavement by the entrance overlooking a grand field of flowers.

Kyung couldn't help but gape at the scenery. It was quite an interesting setting for a marriage. He couldn't help but wonder why they'd chosen to use such an old rickety chapel, isolated in a desolate field of colorful flowers. The entire thing was quite an oxymoron in itself.

"This was where they fell in love"

Kyung turned in surprise at the other, once again brought out from his thoughts.

"Excuse me?" He asked, not sure he'd heard right. Jiho let out a carefree chuckle

"I figured that you wanted to know why they chose to get married here. I could practically see the gears in your head turning"

Kyung stared back wordlessly at the other. His face slowly flushed as he realized that Jiho had read him like an open book.

Was he that readable?

He'd always been the one doing the reading, not the other way around.

"This place is really old. According to my mom, my aunt used to come here every time when she was a child. Apparently she was quite the introvert and loved the peace and silence this place had to offer. Anyways she came back here about a year ago to check up on the old building, and she met him here. Not sure what he was doing there, but she found him. Anyways they hit it off real good, fell in love yaddy yaddy ya, and are now getting married"

As Kyung listened to Jiho's half assed story, he couldn't help smiling. He's totally forgotten that the bride was Jiho's aunt

"That's so cute" He cooed

Jiho shrugged

"In my opinion, they're both just hopeless romantics"

he smirked

"And apparently you are too"

Kyung shook his head. If he had a relative which such a cute love story, he'd be flipping with joy for them. He hated to admit it, but the younger was right. He was a hopeless romantic.

"You really are something Jiho. Aren't you happy for them?"

Jiho stared at the ground, and for a brief moment, a small, sincere smile creeped unto his face.

"I am"

"To be honest I was starting to think my aunt would never get married" He added, ruining his previous claim

Kyung rolled his eyes-Jiho didn't seem to notice, much to his relief

A comfortable silence settled between the two and Kyung sighed, staring into the field. He gazed longingly at the sight, wondering what it would feel like to run his hands though those flowers, or to simply just lay down amidst them.

"Let's go then"

Kyung was once again brought back from his thoughts.

Jiho had both eyes concentrated on him and Kyung was almost pulled into the deep chasm of those dark eyes.

"Go where?" He asked, quickly looking away, lest he gave in to those tempting eyes.

"You want to go to the field right?" Jiho answered, a crooked smile playing on his lips like he'd just said the most obvious thing in the world.

Kyung stared at the other, who had already started making his way towards the expanse of flowers. He brought his hands up to his face.

Was he really that obvious?

Forgive me for any errors


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