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Nope. Nope nope nope.

"NO. That's not happening"

Mrs. Park let out a shrill laugh

"Of course it is, you'll thank me later"

Kyung gasped

"You did this on purpose this didn't you?"

His mother shrugged


The teen sat up, an offended look on his face.

"I'm not going through with this"

Mrs. Park rolled her eyes

"Of course you are. I'm your mother, I can make you"

"You don't understand! I can't spend anymore time with that kid! I'll go nuts" Kyung exclaimed.

"Oh you'll get used to it"


"Kyung. You don't have a choice"

The teen pouted but didn't bother arguing,  aware that it'd only fall on deaf ears.

"Why does everyone hate me?" He mumbled as be turned to leave

"Jiho doesn't hate you" His mother called from behind him. Kyung groaned, running up the stairs to his room.


"So you're going to start living with your boyfriend"

Kyung turned to glare at both his friends who were now exchanging mocking glances.

"You guys are real funny"

"Does Jiho know?" Taeil asked.

"Why wouldn't he? It's his house after all" Jaehyo answered.

Kyung groaned

"I don't know if he knows or not. Either way this is a disaster"

He sighed

"Imagine having to live with him"

Jaehyo chuckled

"Hopefully that does something for all the sexual tension"

Taeil snorted and Kyung narrowed his eyes at them both.

"I hate you guys do you know that?"

The other two continued to laugh and he rolled his eyes, turning to face forward and accidentally bumping face first into someone.

"Hey, watch where you're-"

His victims sentence was cut short and Kyung felt bile rise in his throat as he looked up to face..

"Minhyuk" Taeil broke the awkward silence that had fallen. Minhyuk coughed, averting his gaze. He didn't look angry like he had during their last conversation, but rather seemed uncomfortable.

Jaehyo, unable to stand the tension,  scoffed.

"Finally going to stop avoiding us?"

Minhyuk looked away, a guilty expression on his face.

"I wasn't avoiding you guys, I was just busy"

No one looked like they bought the excuse and he sighed.

"Look I've obviously gotten some time to think about this and I came to a conclusion" His eyes met Kyung's and the other boy rose a brow.

"Congratulations Kyung"

Kyung's furrowed his eyebrows.

"I've decided that I'm not going to let my personal feelings get in the way of yours. I still think Jiho's and ass, but you seem like you know what you're doing. If you want to date Jiho, who am I to stop-"

I Don't mind (Zikyung: block b)Where stories live. Discover now