Part 2

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AN: Let's see what Astrid is up to. XD

Chapter 2

"AAAH!" Astrid bolted up quite suddenly as she tried to take a deep breath.

"That reaction never gets old." A female voice laughed lightly in the dark, dilapidated house that they were in.

"YOU BURIED ME ALIVE!" Astrid accused her so-called savior as she tried to get the dirt out of her petticoats and hair.

"Well technically I buried you half alive, or at least three-quarters dead mademoiselle." The woman that called herself Heather shrugged it off as if it was a casual thing. "Besides if it wasn't for me you would have been completely dead. Be grateful that the blood loss was still at a point where you could have been transformed."

"Transformed?" Astrid asked a little hesitant as well as curious. She remembered little of the night except fainting after Heather had introduced herself.

"Congratulations! You're a vampire!" Heather happily told her while clapping her on the shoulder.

"I'M A WHAT!" Astrid shrieked, not believing what this woman was telling her.

"Merde, you got a set of lungs." Heather grimaced as she covered her ears. "Vampire hearing is quite strong."

"Mademoiselle Heather are you seriously suggesting that I have become some bloodsucking monster out of a fairytale?!"

"Your stab wound is gone, is it not." Heather pointed at Astrid's abdomen. Astrid looked down and gasped as she could not even see a scar.

"As I said, you are a vampire now. Which means faster healing." Heather smirked. "And for the record, vampires are not bloodsucking monsters, well most of our small population aren't. We just need blood once a month to survive and we don't have to kill our prey."

"You are talking about drinking blood like it's a casual thing." Astrid commented wide-eyed. She looked at the black-haired woman in front of her in wonder, awe, and a bit of fear.

"Oh you're a fledgeling dearie. No need to worry." Heather stated. "You will learn the vampire ways soon enough. Soon you will be soaring through the clouds."

Astrid had to laugh at that. "Mademoiselle, the day that humans learn to fly I shall owe you twelve livres tournois."

"Ah, a friendly wager." Heather laughed. "You got yourself a deal childe. I have been around long enough to see some wondrous things."

"How long is long? You look my age." Astrid commented disbelievingly.

"But look and are are two different things." Heather stated. "I stopped counting after reaching four hundred."

"Four....... Four hundred!" Astrid pointed a slightly shaking finger at Heather.

"Why yes, now come. I must teach you a few things." Heather gestured for Astrid to follow her.

"But the sun is out." Astrid commented. "Do vampires not turn into dust at sunlight?"

Heather had to stifle her laughter. "Are those stories still going on? Admittingly I'm to blame for most of them during my time in Romania but it is just funny to hear them still being told."

"So no bursting into dust?"

"No, we just get a bit of a darker tan than humans. Being Undead does have its perks. Immortality, shapeshifting, and we save a ton on food."

"Anything I should watch out for?" Astrid asked curiously.

"Oh yes." Heather said as she began ticking things off. "Holy water really does burn, garlic is an old wives tale but watch out for carrots, vampires are deadly allergic to them. And then the usual stake or axe-wielding humans."

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