Suddenly, Lauren saw something in front of her from far away and tried to swerve out of the way and began to lose control. She could feel the car getting off the road and that's when she slammed onto the breaks. The girl jerked forward in her seat when the tires screeched before the car came to a complete stop.

The green-eyed girl looked forward with wide eyes before jumping out of her jeep and walked to the front of it. She moved the strands of hair from her face to see a brunette laying on the ground, trembling and was covered in dirt and what seemed to be blood.

"Holy shit!" Lauren exclaimed as she got closer and knelt down. "Are you okay? Did I hit you?"

"P-please help m-me," The brunette stuttered.

"I'm so sorry." She apologized before she looked around. There was nothing but trees and an empty road with no vehicles around whatsoever. Lauren frowned in thought. Where did she come from? Lauren shook her head and refocused her attention back to the brunette. "We need to get you to a hospital."

"No, no! Please don't take me to a hospital." The brunette begged, clutching her arm.

"What? Why?" Lauren asked as her eyebrows furrowed, looking at the brunette's condition. "You're hurt. We need to get you to one."

"No! Please, no." The girl cried, putting up her hand in front of her. "I can't, please."

"Shit," The green-eyed girl muttered as she ran her hand through her hair anxiously. "Okay, uh, do you think you can walk?"

The smaller girl bit her lip as she stared into her green orbs. "I don't know, but I'll try."

The older girl nodded understandingly and took the brunette's uninjured arm around her shoulder. The brunette let out a groan when she was lifted up from the ground. "We need to get you safe first."

Lauren walked her towards the other side of the car, helping her up in the backseat where the brunette struggled to get in.

"You okay?" Lauren asked concerned while buckling her seat belt for her.

The small girl nodded her head, her eyelids getting heavier from how tired and exhausted she was. "Thank you." She mumbled before receiving another nod from the other girl.

The raven-haired girl returned to her backseat and started to drive her way back home. On the way there, she kept checking the girl from the rear-view mirror. She noticed how the brunette's arm was shaped in a weird way and how she was caressing it from time to time. She could even easily tell the multiple bruises on her entire body. This had to be before the crash because of the dried blood and multiple scars that came along with it. Honestly, she was dreading the conversation they were about to have.


Lauren carefully slowed the car to a stop in front of her wooden cabin, not wanting to injure the brunette even more. She pulled the keys out of the ignition and jumped out of the jeep swiftly and walked towards the door of the backseat. She opened it and saw that the brunette barely conscious under the dim moonlight. Lauren took her hands and tried to unbuckle her seatbelt for her while whispering. "Hey, we're here."

The smaller girl faced her with a desperate nod, eager to stop the hurting in her entire body. She leaned in towards Lauren so that she could help her.

The green-eyed girl took one of the brunette's arms and wrapped it around her shoulder while she took her hand and gently wrapped it around her waist. She noticed how the girl flinched at the firm touch on her torso but relaxed as soon as she was on the ground. The brunette struggled with keeping her balance upright but slowly, they managed to hurry into Lauren's cabin.

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