The end

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Hey, so that's it it's done. I'm not really good at sentimental shit lol. But I wanna let you know fucking happy I am you are liking this story.

This is the first story I've started he hasn't been based of another story I've read cause I do that. Like I read something and I'm like wow that gives me and Idea so nah. This is big for me cause the last story I wrote was literally two years ago. By handed and filled up like 7 not book front and back like 300 pages. AND I THREW IT AWAY??
Like part of me feels like y'all are just lying and shit but thank anyway lol. This is my first story I've ever written and put out there that's been finished honestly if some of y'all wouldn't have commented I would not have had the motivation to finish it. I don't like showing people my writing and was a mega confidence boost. Ive got another story "fish tanks and tattoos" that probably gonna be deleted. Sucks right. But I'm gonna start a new story soon.
It's going to be a cliche because I fucking loves those. Lol

But yeah thanks for the reads and the shitty story line. Thanks for the votes and comments. I may not have replied to every one but it made my fucking day really. If you wanna and are able to handle it. Check out my non fiction thing I'm doing called "what happens to a suicidal kid." It's gonna a short story but it's a true one ;) because I needed to get s of it out because it's fucking-

But yeah thanks for reading and if you want.

How about telling me how you wanted to the end to be lol. Did it end the way you wanted or did you want something else to happen I wanna know.

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