roommate wanted

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I just wanted to live alone

At the age of eighteen, just out of high school still not even June yet, I just wanted to be grown up already, but that didn't go as planned.

My parents, of course, thought it was a bad idea, that I should wait and meet the guy I would be living with...but I didn't care.

Roommate wanted

must be able to pay half of 3 months rent in advance

must be a legal adult

call xxx-xxx-xxxx

"Hello, my name is Noah Ryder I'd like to apply to be your roommate"


"You've got it"

That's all it took, he told me his name was Collin, Collin Jones and he worked at a local auto parts store, which made sense, he looked like the type.


broad shoulders

ragged black hair

stubby facial hair

smooth amber brown eyes

I, of course, lived up to my high school title of the loser boy with ugly brown hair and dull brown eyes. I had a mostly flat stomach that still had some pudge to it. My arms hung lamely at my side constantly due to lack of muscle, I never worked out and never hung out with anyone.

But Collin seemed to be very popular, he was always going out, always leaving almost never home so I basically lived alone.

I never went into his room he never went into mine that's how things were.

But many people went into his room, boy mostly, men more like it, I didn't mind him being gay to each his own...

But I usually see them leave, because I'm usually sitting on the couch because I don't want to ever be in my room, my room was small and it made me feel closed in, so I sit in the living room.

One of the men that I took notice to came often, he was a blonde man with a soft smile,

every time we made eye contact he would wave at me and give me the same smirk and he would let out a small laugh like I was missing out on something.

But this one man came in with him, he was tall and kinda fat, nothing like the others, and he had brown hair and gross chapped paper thin lips. He walked in with a nervous look on his face and he went into the room and Collin closed the door after he closed the door.

He never came out.

After a few days, a gross smell started in the house, but I didn't ask about it because a few days later it left.

I woke up on the couch one day to some shuffling and things shifting around.

"Be quiet, there's a boy on the couch you'll wake him"

"I don't even think he knows who he's living with"

I sat up quickly I saw two figures in Collin's room which sat directly across from my position on the couch.

I was about to reach for the phone to call the police and but a loud banging sound followed by some ringing sent me to the ground along with another banging and more ringing.

I looked up and I saw Collin standing over the body, he poked at it an looked amused almost.

He said something but I couldn't hear, I sat up holding my head that was starting to throb and ache, I looked up and watched the blonde boy with the smirk and laugh. He walked into the room and looked over at Collin and I watched his body take in a deep sigh and release it. That's when they looked at me Collin looked at me making his way towards me crouching down in from of me, his gun pressed against my forehead a smug smile played his lips until the blonde mentioned something to him that made him stop.

Instead of shooting me the bottom of his gun smashed itself onto my temple sending me into a terrifying darkness.

Authors note:

hello there. Guess what, I'm completely rewriting the story, it's the same storyline, same characters (some name changing) but I wanted this story to be more of a thriller not a kink hinted story ya know, so some of that will be changing

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