Chapter 23: The Worst Nightmare

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I walked in the middle of the dark street of West Hill. Alone and cold. My friends left me few hours ago, and nobody's there to drive me home. So I walked. It maybe a little creepy in time like this to walk alone in the street but, I have to. My parents are waiting for me back home! Especially my Mom, I don't want her to get worried of me.

My Phone rings.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Is this Ms. Bethanny Carlos?" a Woman spoke from the other line.

"Yes, speaking.."

"This is from West Hill General Hospital.. we called to inform you that.." she let out a breath, "Your parents are gone.."

What?! No! No! I heard it wrong! I just.. heard it.. Wrong!

"Wha.. what do you mean they're gone?" I asked. My heart is beating faster like it wants to go out my chest and kill itself!

"They're gone because of a car crashed. Your parents was looking all over for you, they were worried because you didn't came home last night! But.. their car crashed! You're dad was dead on arrival, and your mom.. we.. we try to save her but, she didn't make it.. I'm so sorry Bethanny.."

No! My parents can't be gone! They can't be! They can't leave me!

I heard the woman muttering some words on the other line, but I can't hear any single word she said. My world was crashed!

After the line cuts off, I burst out in tears in the middle of the street! This couldn't happen to me!

It's all my fault! It's all my fault! If I only came home last night, it won't end up like this! I'm all alone now! My parents are gone.. Because of.. Me! I'm so stupid! I'm not a good daughter!

I cried endlessly. Until I saw a shadow making it's way through me. It was a shadow of a man, a tall and familiar man!

"Bethanny?" he spoke. His voice seems so familiar too.

"Why are you crying Princess?"


"James? Is that you?" I asked in the middle of crying.

"Yes, it's me my Princess! What happened?" He asked, still standing behind me.

I faced and hugged him. And my tears burst when I felt his warm body. I felt relieved a little bit! But the thought of my parents.. gone.. for good! It's still killing me!

"My parents! They're.. they're gone!" I cried, "It was all my fault James! I'm so stupid!"

He let go and caress my cheeks, "You're not stupid Princess! You're not! Okay? It was an accident! Stop crying already.."

I nodded, "I'm so happy that you're here!"

"Of course, I'm your Superman! I'm here to save you.." he smiled.


He just nodded and kissed me. He kissed me like it was the end of the world! There was something about this kiss that makes me feel weird! It wasn't like the kiss that we both share. His kiss was rough and full of longing. His hands was travelling all over my body! Just then I noticed that we were on the dark alley, just me and James. I felt his hands on my bear skin, he wants to peel my clothes off! While his tongue was asking permission to enter my mouth. So, we deepen our kiss. I heared him moan, and he raise my tops to take it off but I stopped him! I took control! I can't do this! I'm not yet ready to give everything to him!

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