Chapter 9: The Best Day

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I was in my room. And yeah, it's still messy! I put my black Jansport bag on the floor tiredly, throw my phone on my bed and lied down.

Wow! I never been tired like this before! College is really tiring.

In a few minutes of facing my blue ceiling, my phone beeps!

I checked it. I got 3 unread messages! 1 from Jeric, 1 from Jeremy and the last one was from an unknown number.

I opened Jeric's first.

Hey B! Just checking if you came home safely! James is a good man. Give him a chance if ever. Lol. See yah tomorrow! ;)

I just rolled my eyes and replied:

Yeah I came home safely, thanks! I'll tell you again, idjit. James is just a good friend! So, keep your hopes down, babe :P

I send it. And opened Jeremy's message.

Hey Bethy! Missing you already!  By the way, I'm now on Eastwood! Goodluck with your studies! See you in a few months! :*

P.S. Look for my diary! Thanks! And don't yah dare read it Woman! I know your stubborn but not this time okay? Love you.. :)

I smiled on his last text. I miss my Bestfriend already.

Jeremy knows me very well. He knows when my mood changes. He knows how to make me happy. He knows all of my secrets and I know all of his secrets too. He's not just my bestfriend but he's like my big brother too.

Jeremy and I, we're on the same age. He's only 1 month older than me.

And I replied:

Awwwe I miss you too Jery! Can't wait to see you. I have a lot to tell you already. Goodluck out there! :*

P.S. Okay I'll look for your diary! That's a promise! Love yah :)

And lastly I opened the last messsage.

Hey Princess! It's James. Grab your dinner now. Don't want you to pass it. See you tomorrow ;)

I smiled. It's James.

DugDug! Dugdug! Dugdug!

Weird. My heart is beating fast! What's wrong with me?

You're inlove, Stupid! the annoying voice is back.

Oh hi! I've missed you! Where did you go? I answered sarcastically.

Just here. Watching your every move. I see your inlove! That's good news!

No I'm not!

Yes you are!

Am not!

Are too!

Am not!

Are too!

Arrrrggghhh! At first, I was just making a conversation with myself and now I'm arguing with it?!

I'm Crazy!

"Sweetie?" Mom knocked.


"Dinner is ready Honey! Come down already!" She yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

I opened my phone again and sent James a reply.

I'm safe and sound James. Thank you! :)

And I hurridly change into shorts and a pink sleeveless. And I make my way down the kitchen.


"So, how was school today?" My mom broke the silence when we're on the dining room for dinner.

"It's great and... tiring." I told her and eat some lasagna.

My mom cooked my favorite foods; fried chicken, lasagna, and the breath-taking food, my ever favorite.. mashed potato!

"You'll get used to it, honey." said my dad.

"You know Hon.." my mom, she's facing dad.

"I remembered my first day of school in college--"

"Ah.. you we're wearing your favorite blue jeans and a beautiful floral lacey blouse that time!" Dad cut in.

They both laugh.

"You still remember that?"

"Yup! how can I forget? You're the most beautiful girl I ever seen back then."  my dad said.

"Awwwe.. I never noticed you right away that time.."

"Yeah. But I can't help myself that's why I finally talked and introduced myself to you." they giggled.

Their first met.. it's the same when James and I first met. Is this some kind of a sign?

Oh God. It can't be.

"Yes you we're!" their laugh snapped me.

I really love to see them like this. So happy together. Never get tired of talking about their past lives, and on how they ended up on each others arms.

"You were so madly inlove with me back then Jacob Carlos!" My mom told my dad in a flirting voice and winked at him.

"Yes, and I'm still madly inlove with you right now Claire!" then they kissed.

Awwwe.. so sweet!

My eyes get all teary. I always feel like crying when I saw or watch a sweet scene. That is why I love to watch Romantic Movies.

"How about you Beth?" My dad snapped me.

"Huh?" I said in confusion.

"Do you have any guy in particular that makes your heart, you know beat fast? not in a nervous kinda way.. but, in an amazing way.."

Awwww Dad! really?

"Oh. one dad." I told him with my head down.

"You told me about a guy on school who is now your bestfriend is that right?" Mom asked.

I nodded.

"So? do you feel any romantic feeling on him already?"

"Mom? No of course not! Jeric and I are really great friends.. and most of all he has a girlfriend." I said, defensively.

"I was just asking." Mom said in a teasing voice.

The rest of the dinner is so beautiful. They suddenly became my love experts. They keep on advising me on what-to-do and not-to-do in love.


"Turn the radio on Beth!" Mom said.

We're on the living room. We used to listen to the radio after dinner.

"Can I choose my station now Mom?" I asked. Because I never get to choose any stations in the radio that I like.

"Okay but.. just for now." She said making her way to dad, who is now seating on the couch.

And I make my way to our green table with our beautiful classic radio on it. This radio means so much to my dad. Because my grandpa gave it to him before he died. They're music lover too.

I turned it on and scan for a good station.

102.1.. 102.2...102.3.. and finally 102.4

"Get ready to be inspired by our next song by Taylor Swift.. "The Best Day" enjoy and goodnight!" Said the DJ.

The song is really great it talks about family. I was like making my own music video of it, just looking on my parents sweet smiles on each other.

And I had The Best Day with you.. today..

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