Chapter 29: The Horny Giraffe!

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The sound of my alarm wake me up! I outstretched my hand to turn it off but, it fell on the floor instead! I groaned.

What happened to me? The first question I asked myself this morning!

Great! What an awful start!

It's not the usual mornings! Everything is just so weird today! I was beggining to hate this day for no reason! My head is burning! And my eyes were a little heavy! I feel like I never even got my sleep! I'm still tired.

And then it sinks in! Everything finally sinks in. I felt horrible today because of yesterday! The thought of him-- being my boyfriend for a month and a half---but he just cheated on me makes me fell frustrated. All my promises to myself--- that I won't cry for a guy anymore and that I won't let anyone hurt me!--- they just all got screwed up! I want to curse myself! I was being fooled again!

Is there anything wrong with me? There must be something wrong with me! Because if nothing's wrong I wouldn't end up like this!

I was blaming myself! Of all my past relationship, all of them are fucked up! I don't deserve a happy ending! Happy Endings are just on movies! But on real life? They really don't exist!

My phone rings under my pillow. The vibration of my phone makes my matress a little shaky.

I checked the Caller I.D. and it's Dad!

"Hey Dad!" I answered with a happy grin on my face. I badly miss my parents! Our house was so damn quiet when they're not around. Well, except when my weirdo friends came over and ruin the peaceful atmosphere that I've been hating!

"Hey Honey? How are you? Is everything all right there?" My dad was a little paranoid when he wants to.

"Dad.." I softly said. But he was just continue with his non-stop question!

"Is everything cool? We let Andrew checked on you so you won't burn the house. So did you cooked? Oh please tell me you didn't! Is the house still on pieces?" I just rolled my eyes, as he continue his annoying blabber, "You still answered the phone so I guess you haven't burn the house yet--"

"DAD!" I exclaimed and he finally stopped, "Calm down, I'm fine! I didn't cook, okay? And thanks for sending me Andrew! How's Mom?" I asked. And I heared him sigh on the other line.

"Yeah, s-she's fine! You know, she thinks about you too.. Everyday Honey!" He said.

"Tell her I'm fine, Dad. And I miss you both.." I sighed.

He sighed too, "We miss you too Honey! I'll call you later, okay?"

I nod, "Okay Dad! I love you so much!"

"I love you too Honey!"

"Send my hugs and kisses to Mom, okay?" I said as my eyes were all teary.

"No problem! Keep safe, you hear?" he ordered.

I nodded, "Oh I will Mr. Carlos, sir!" I teased, then chuckled which he did back before hanging up.

I felt relieved, my Dad finally called me and they're both safe and sound! That's relieving!

I stood up my bed, grabbed

my towel and jog downstairs! I was about to enter our bathroom but somebody's in there, taking a bath!

I think it's Andrew! So I sat on our kitchen chair to wait until he finish.

After maybe.. 100 years!

The bathroom door swung open and Andrew's on view. He had only his towel wrapped on his waist which falls below his kness exposing his muscular body. His hair was soggy and the scent of his shampoo along with his soap-- well, he bought his own shampoo and soap, of course-- they where spreading in the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2014 ⏰

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