117. BUCKY: Dear Diary, F*ck You

Start from the beginning

Ugh, I went too far back. Let me skip forward a little... Let's jump ahead like an hour. We've eaten the food, Steve's clearing the table, Wanda's moved upstairs for a shower, and I'm going to the laundry room to grab my load of clean clothes. The sound of dishware clanking comes from the kitchen in the next room over. I'm bent over to throw my jeans into a basket when I see Bucky's shadow fall against the wall.

"You stalking me, Barnes?" I chuckle lightly. I just saw him at the dining room table, and he said he was going to start on cookies, so I'm confused as to why he's followed me into the laundry room.

Bucky smiles but it's not all the way, so I'm immediately intrigued as to what he's got planned to say.

"No, I just—well, I got a question for ya." He crosses his arms at his chest before deciding he doesn't like that pose. He moves his hands to his hips and I laugh lightly.

"Okay. What's up?" I kick the dryer door shut.

"Do you want to stay in my room?"

An eyebrow lifts higher up on one side of my forehead. "Like... permanently?"

Bucky stuffs his hands into his pockets sheepishly. "I was hoping so, yes." He looks down at me through the little wisps of hair that have grown past his denim colored eyes. "If you want to, of course. I know how you are about people knowing your business, so if you wanna keep your space I totally understand. I just thought it might be nice. I really do want to be around you, all the time, and so I was just... I don't know. What do you think?"

Anyway, that's how I ended up on the other side of Bucky's bed tonight.

We thought that as soon as Steve and Wanda got back from Wakanda we'd go our separate ways. But no, we figure as long as they know we're together and we're comfortable with it why not share the place we pass out at night?

Right now I'm in my pajamas on the right side of his bed. My bed? Our bed? I'm in the bed, I'm trying to say, with the blankets pulled over by legs and my diary propped up on my lap. Bucky's on the other side: he wanted to lay on this side so that when he rolls over and throws an arm over me it'll be the metal one keeping me securely against his body and the warm flesh one that moves beneath my head.

Isn't that adorable?!

I don't think we're going to have sex tonight. Thank god, too, because I'm too tired for that.

"You okay?"

I look up past my journal pages. "Mhmm." I can't help but let a smile slide across my face to see dewy skinned Bucky Barnes emerging from the bathroom in a cloud of steam. His body glistens. Every crack and crevice stands out in the low light. There's a soggy towel tied low on his waist and I can see a bit of dark hair peeking past the band.

Okay, maybe I'm rethinking this whole "no-sex" thing I just mentioned before.

If he notices my gawking he says nothing. In fact, all he says is, "I was thinking we could start moving your things over tomorrow if you're not doing anything." He points at an empty wall. "Was thinking I could carry your dresser down and set it there."

"You can do that, or I can think really hard and pull it down with this weird brain of mine." I doodle stars in the corner of the page.

Bucky chuckles. "Right, that might be the easier way to do it."

"I wouldn't complain to seeing you lifting something heavy, though." I look up in just enough time to watch Bucky's towel hit the floor. He's faced the other way and digging through his dark stained dresser to find sleeping shorts. I had hope that he slept stark naked, but he doesn't.

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