51. BUCKY: Kidding Me

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A/N: This was requested by isobellllxo ! Hope you like it, doll! Requests are still open, of course :)

OCTOBER 21st, 1925

"You've got to be kidding me."

Y/N stands at the kitchen sink with her eyes glued out at the scene in the backyard. A grunt of annoyance slithers out of her little pink lips when she sees that her dumb brother has yet again invited that wild Barnes boy over again. Now he's got James doing his chores with him—but really they only play instead of raking up the leaves like they're supposed to.

"What is it, honey?"

Y/N's mother, Sarah, leaves the table from where she's just been setting it with an extra plate for little James from next door.

"That boy is back again." Y/N rolls her eyes with a huff. At her chest fitted with the white buttons she crosses her arms.

Sarah smiles softly. "He's Steve's friend."

"He's a nuisance," Y/N counters.

Sarah moves to grab the bowl of mashed potatoes from Y/N. "James is a good kid, Y/N. And he's the only boy who'll play with your brother, so you better get used to seeing him around."

Y/N feels slightly guilty about being so perturbed by the eight year old's presence for a moment but then she glances back outside to see them rolling around in the mud—looking absolutely ridiculous. Then she's back to being annoyed again. "They're going to destroy your house, mother."

"Then so be it," Sarah says with a smile. She comes to join Y/N in staring out the window. Only instead of a frown she wears a loving grin. "As long as they're happy."


APRIL 13th, 1930

Y/N jogs her way down the street until she reaches the house. Throwing open the creaky door she waltzes inside. The walk home in the rain was miserable. She throws her bag onto the floor then hurries to the living room to sit down. She expects to find her side of the couch empty. Only this time it's not. It's filled with the body of the boy next door.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Hey there, doll." James grins in that crooked, boyish way that makes all the other 13 year olds swoon. But Y/N's a respectable woman of fifteen now and his charms do nothing but annoy her.

Popping out a hip, Y/N says, "You're in my seat."

"Oh am I?" James touches his chest with feigned surprise. "I'm sorry, sweetie."

"Don't call me that."

Steve, who sits in a huddled ball on the other side, speaks up with a grin. "Hey sis! Mom's letting Bucky spend the night. She said it's because I did so well on my math exam. How did you do on yours?"

Suddenly Y/N is aggravated for another reason. "I don't want to talk about the math exam, Steve. I just want to sit in my seat and read."

Y/N's mother leans into the room to be seen. Her hair has been done up in rollers and now she's got rouge on her cheeks. Y/N thinks she looks really pretty like this—especially in the autumn sunlight.

"Just sit somewhere else, Y/N. I don't have time for your games. I have a ham in the oven."

"Oh you make the best ham, Ms. Rogers! I am so excited to be spending the night." James flashes Sarah that adorable smile and she grins.

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