"You have a tongue piercing? Since when?"

"Yesterday. I'm surprised you never felt it." He raises an eyebrow at me, smiling pervertedly.

"Hey is this our door?" I ask loudly, rushing to change the subject.

"Why yes, it is. Don't worry baby, I'll make sure you feel it next time in all the right places." He winks, and pulls the rusted metal door open for me.

The building is clouded with smoke, and I find it hard to see in front of me. Zayns grip around my hand tightens, and I focus my attention on our entwined fingers. The metal rings on both of our hands create an uncomfortable barrier, but these rings are special and I can't lose them.

"Malik?" I hear a deep voice close by, and I look up to find James in front of us.

"Hey James."

"Hey, and what," he pauses to look behind Zayns shoulder, but I feel him shift in front of me. "You brought the girl?" He smiles wickedly.

"Shut the fuck up James." He grips my hand tighter and I swear I've lost circulation in two fingers by now.

"Hello again, Ellana." James steps around, standing in front of me. "Zayn please let go of her hand, let her give me a proper hug."

"I don't think-" I begin to protest but he's quick to wrap his arms around my shoulders. He reeks of smoke, as if bathed in an ashtray, and his blonde hair is tousled around messily.

"That's enough." Zayn mumbles, pulling me back to him and wraps his arm around my shoulder protectively.

"That'll do for now." He smiles. "But perfect time, the boss has been waiting for you mate. Of course you can't bring her in with you." His eyes scan my body, and he licks his lips.

"She's not sitting here alone James." Zayns eyes scan the cloudy space, before turning back to him.

"I wouldn't dream of it. She'll be with me." He tugs on my wrist to pull me once more but I snatch my hand away quickly and wrap my arm around Zayns waist.


"What?!" I shout, and he places his hands on my shoulders. "You can't leave me with this man!" I plea, gripping his jacket tightly.

"He won't hurt you." He kisses my forehead and gently pushes me toward James. He begins to walk down the hallway, but turns on his heel to face us.

"And if he does, I'll fucking kill him." The dark rims around his eyes make him even more intimidating. The two men stare each other down, neither even thinking of giving in.

"I love you." I call to him to break the tension, and he stiffens.

"I love you too." He bows his head and walks off.

"Wow." James says, and shock is clear on his face. "Zayns never loved anyone."

"How would you know?" I ask, shifting under his arm.

"I've known Zayn longer than you can imagine." We begin to walk down the hallway, and he leads me to an open room, with a bar lit up in the corner.

He pulls a chair out for me, the metal scraping the concrete floor.

"Have a seat love, what brings you here?"

Zayns POV

I hate the idea of leaving her with that fucking creep, but I have no other choice. I take a maze of hallways to reach his room, and I wait outside the door. When it's closed, that always means the boss is having a meeting with someone. Whether it be someone important or simply an employee. I pull my box of cigarettes from my pocket, and light one as I lean against the wall.

"Where have you been Zayn?" A random man asks as he walks by.

"None of your fucking business, keep walking." I spit, and bring the cigarette to my lips.

I smile to myself as I remember that book Ella was reading, and how lame I thought it was at first. Mainly because I couldn't understand the whole metaphor thing. But she loved it so much, and I had the job of consoling her and buying her ice cream once she finished it. Never once did I think I'd be coming back to the same girl everyday, let alone buying her ice cream to help her grieve a fictional character.

I think back to that damn line in the book, and reverse it for myself.

I allow it to do the killing.

The door opens suddenly, and I try to not make eye contact once I realize who walked out.

"Zayn." She mumbles as she walks down the hallway, her blonde hair bouncing with each step.

"Hey." I whisper, and try to shake the heavy guilt off my shoulders.

"Please come in." His deep voice calls to me, and I regain my composure. The room is usually dim, but my eyes burn with all of the lights on at once.

This can't be good.

"Well if isn't Zayn Malik." He sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. "I've been waiting for you, but it seems you have more important things to attend to."

"Why do you want me?" I ask, closing my eyes as I blow the cigarette smoke into the air.

"We need to discuss Ellana Rivers."

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