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The Next Afternoon

Chanyeol stood on his father's doorstep nervously, Baekhyun right behind him.

"Are you sure about this?" Chanyeol questioned


Chanyeol reached up knocking loudly on the door.

"Who is it!?"

"It's me dad" Chanyeol called out

The door opened and a man a bit taller than Chanyeol stared down at the two males.

"Who's this?" He peeked over at Baekhyun

"We need to talk" Chanyeol spoke up

The two followed Chanyeol's dad into the living room and sat down.


"I'm not going through with the marriage"

"Yes you are" his dad glared

"No. Dad....you wanna know why me and Seohyun haven't gotten married yet? I don't like her like that. Seohyun understands my situation" Chanyeol explained

"What situation. What are you talking about?" His father glared

"Dad I'm gay. This is my boyfriend Baekhyun." Chanyeol let out a loud sigh

"Park Chanyeol You will marry Seohyun" His father growled standing up

"No, I love Baekhyun" Chanyeol stood up meeting his father's glare

Chanyeol's father raised his hand bringing it down quickly. Chanyeol held his cheek and looked up at his father.

"Ch-Chanyeol" Baekhyun whimpered

"Let's go" Chanyeol huffed turning around

"Where do you think you're going!?"

"I'm going home with MY boyfriend! THE MAN I LOVE AND WAS FORCED AWAT FROM BECAUSE OF YOU. IT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN" Chanyeol screamed as he walked towards the front door

Chanyeol slammed the door shut and the two stood there in silence.


"Baek....I'm sorry you had to see that. H-He's never hit me before but I'm okay. Let's go home huh?" Chanyeol wiped his own tears

Baekhyun nodded and followed Chanyeol to his car. Camera's flashed agrivatting Chanyeol even more. Baekhyun sighed letting Chanyeol get into the car before walking towards the people with cameras.

"You guys.....Please stop. For our sake please don't." Baekhyun spoke softly

"Sorry" the group of three girls apologized

Baekhyun walked back to the car getting in. Chanyeol drove off going straight to his apartment.

"I have a flight home tomorrow" Baekhyun broke the silence

"I'm coming with you."

I'm back on these books. I needed a small break from these two newest books because I ran out of ideas. So I went to finishing my book Hybrid High. I will now work on finishing these.

Morning Coffee (ChanBaek)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ