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"Well, everyone will be here in about two hours, so what do you want to order for dinne-nevermind." Jin cuts himself off, walking into the kitchen to see Jungkook stirring a large pot of what he thought smelt like kimchi and rice. "I haven't gotten to cook for a while since I have been so sick, so I wanted to make something." Jungkook says, swaying his hips as he continues to hum. "Where are the kids?" Jin asks, wrapping his arms around the waist of his mate so they can sway their hips together, the elders hands rubbing over the non-existent baby bump. "Royce is having tummy time in his pin while Winter is probably checking on Benny and the cubs with Amber." Jungkook says, turning off the stove and placing a lid on the large pot, "In an hour, I will warm it up and you can grill the meat since I do not mix with fire."
Jin nods and kisses his mate deeply, leaving Jungkook flushed as he goes to check on Winter, who was actually napping with Amber in the parents bed. "You two should go downstairs and watch TV. Uncles will be here soon and you would get to dress up~" Jin says and Winter jumps up with wide ees and a big smile, "PIRATE PRINCESS!" She yells and runs away with Amber while Jin just laughs at her idea of dressing up, knowing that poor Amber is going to have painted nails by the end of it. "Seokjin." Jungkook groans, feeling super weak all of a sudden and leans against the counter until his mate is suddenly holding him up as a sharp pain hits his abdomen. "What is wrong?" Jin asks worridely and Jungkook whines, not knowing. "Well, lets get you some blood, first." Jin says and repeats the previous days activity of biting himself and putting the wound in an accessible spot for Jungkook to drink from.
They were both to caught up in their activities to notice the front door open, "We came early because Taehyung wanted me to check on your babies movements." Namjoon says, pausing in the doorway when Jungkook only moves his eyes as he enters, Jin actually looking demonic as his instincts push him into protection mode. When Jungkook feels Jin growling, he releases the elders arm and turns around, wincing at the pain in his stomach before grabbing Jins face in his hands, "We understand that you are the big bad alpha, but calm down because we kinda need Joon hyung to find out why my stomach is cramping so much." Jungkook says and Jins eyes go back to his normal brown while his lips stay in a frown, "You didn't tell me you were cramping." He mutters and Jungkook rolls his eyes, "Maybe because it only started right after I called for you?" Jungkook suggests and shakily stands with Taehyungs help.
"I will be out there in a minute, so just lay on the couch." Namjoon says and Taehyung acts as a crutch for the weak boy to get to the couhc where he lays down with a wince while the two alphas step into the room. "Okay, so what I think is happening, is that Jungkooks body managed to release another egg and last night, it got fertilised." Namjoon states and Jungkook blushes, remembering his and his mates celebration of the pregnancy. "What happens if that is the case?" Jungkook asks while Namjoon does his magic doctor thingy and sighs, removing his hands. "Well, it is the case, so here are my biggest worries. The first baby, if it kicks the new too hard, you may miscarry one, or both, depending on if the second baby has vampire strength. My other worry is that since there is a two week difference in conception, baby number one could be born and before you have time to recover from that birth, the second will come a few days or weeks after. Granted, those are worst case and I can easily the older just chilling in there for an extra two weeks and just waiting until their little sibbling is ready." Namjoon says with a shrug and Jungkook grins. "Two babies!" He sqeals and Jin chuckles kissing his mates forhead.
"I can't exactly give you anything for pain until we know what the second baby is, so you will have to give it about two weeks. Until then, no sex or stressful/streigning work and no more raw blood unless it is Jins." Namjoon states and Taehyung squeals in excitement, "SO MANY BABIES! Joonie, you have to check and see if Jiminie is pregnant yet, he stopped taking his birth control." Taehyung says and Jungkook chuckles before staring in confusion at Namjoon, who smirks at his mate, "How about I check you instead since you have been pouring it in the sink?" Namjoon suggests and Jungkook bursts out laughing as Taehyung freezes with wide eyes, "How did you-"
"Your heat was due three days ago, so I set up a blind eye in the bathroom." Namjoon reveals and Jungkook and Jin starts laughing loudly, knowing that Namjoons handmade birth control has to be taken in ways of an enema, so that means Namjoon probably watching his mate play on his phone in the bathroom for an hour. "I thought you had told him?" Jungkook asks and Taehyung sheepishly grins while shaking hi head. "No, I wanted to surprise him, me and Jimin have always been against bringing children into gang life, so we took birth control, but when I heard Jin say he was shutting most of it down, I decided I was ready. Plus, I grabbed the wrong potion before my last heat and ended up shoving a bottle of flu medication up my ass." Taehyung mutters and muffled snickers sound through the room. "Well, lay down next to him and we will see what is going on." Namjoon says and Taehyung lays oposite of Jungkook, the younger giggleing as Taehyungs hair tickes his feet.
"We're here!"
"Speaking of, Royce is hungry."
"On it."

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