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"I swear-Sehun, he is cute and I think he asked me on a date-TWO DATES! And you know my vibe thing, I like him and he is going to be over in an hour. . . . No, I don't want to go undercover with you. You're my best friend, but sometimes you piss me off. I felt a connection, granted, that may just be my teenage horemones, but something is different and I like it. Now goodnight, I need to get at least half an hour of sleep. . . Yes, Royce was up all night again, all the formulas I have tried make him sick at night so he throws it up. . . . I would definetly get horemones to start lactation if I could afford them. Yeah, yeah, goodnight." Jungkook says and lays on his couch to go to sleep while Winter sleeps on his bed.
"Well, maybe my friend gave some of those hormones to me as a joke and I have no need for them." Jin says to himself, tossing the empty bloodbag and rattling the bottle of male lactation pills. He was able to hear the entire conversation due to his vampire hearing and hopes that when he bites his mate, Jungkook, the youngers werewolf will surface and his heat will start. The only reason Jin knows the smell of the rarest supernatural creature is because his friend Jimin is one. Jimin has two mates, an alpha werewolf and a vampire. Luckily, their group leader is a warlock, so he was able to make a brith control potion for Jimin, but aparently Jungkook will not need any. One, he wants to have a baby. Two, Jin went through his records and saw that he tested negative when he was younger. "Poor mate, he would look so beautiful with an extended stomach.... Maybe I should get him fat." Jin mutters before seeing that it was time to visit his little mate.
He walks over and lightly knocks on the door and chuckles when he hears Jungkooks light snores. With a shrug, Jin speeds to the nearest Starbucks and orders two mocha lattes and a tiny pink drink for Winter when she wakes up. Once he has the three drinks, he goes back to his place and grabs the lactation pills before going to Jungkooks apartment, sighing when he sees that it is unlocked. Amber growls at him at first, but calms down when she notices it is Jin, since she can smell the mate bond. The vampire sets the drinks and pill bottle on the coffee table and crouches beside his snoring mate, feeling bad that he has to wake him up after he has been kept awake all night by a crying baby. "Kookie, I brought coffee~" Jin whispers and watches the small boy whine before he opens his eyes and smiles at the sight of his beautiful hyung. "Hi, hyung-how did you get in?" Jungkook asks, noticing that Amber was nowhere to be seen. "Your door was unlocked and Amber didn't attack me, so I went out and got coffee so you wouldn't have to make any. I know Royce was crying a lot last night." Jin says and Jungkook slowly sits up, wincing at the pain in his neck from sleeping on his couch.
"Thank you-umm, did he keep you up?" Jungkook asks worridley and starts panicking, but is quickly calmed when Jins hands grab his face. "I'm fine, I work nights and sleep from about three p.m. to ten p.m.. Now whay isn't Royce sleeping well?" Jin asks. "Formula keeps making him sick and apparently it is a sign of being a carrier.. Sometimes. " Jungkook says, remembering how his mom used to say she thought he was a carrier because she had to buy other womens milk to feed him because he was so allergic to formula. "Well, I had a feeling that was the case and don't know if you would see this as an option, but my friends always call me mom, so I would joke that the only mom ting I've never done is breastfeed them, so they got me lactation supplements. I never opened them, do you want to try them?" Jin asks and Jungkook bounces before jumping into Jins arms, "Thank you!" Jungkook exclaims and Jin is quick to hug him back and inhale the scent of his mates blood. "Hyung, you're really cold and smell like blo-" Jungkook starts and pulls away to examine Jins face. "Hyung, your fangs are out." Jungkook says with a frown while Jin is frozen in shock.
"How did you notice all of that and still not scream?" Jin asks, astonished that Jungkook could put all of that together and still shrug it off to start drinking coffee. "The first kink that ever entered my mind was someone drinking my blood, so this makes me really hope that me having two kids won't scare you off... Also the fact that I will be breastfeeding one of them within the next week." Jungkook mumbles and takes the recomended dosage of lactation pills, which is two. "It is really hard to scare off a mate." Jin says and Jungkook spits his coffee out. "So you mean to tell me that the fact that I wanted to makeout with you the moment I saw you is not frowned upon?" Jungkook asks and when Jin shakes his head, Jungkook bounces and pulls the vampire in for a kiss that Jin quickly takes control of, shoving his tongue into the youngers mouth and marveling in the sweet moan that comes from it befre they eventually pull away so Jungkook can catch his breath. "Also, when I give you my mates mark, your omegan werewolf shoud surface and you may go into heat." Jin says and Jungkooks eyes widen, "But who will watch the kids?!" Jungkook exclaims, knowing Yugyeom doesn't have a job and he doesn't really want to leave the kids with Sehun and get them covered in tattoos with sugar addictions. "Well, I was hoping I could introduce you to my friends tonight after your work and if you trusted them enough, we would be able to leave the kids with them if you do go into heat, but it could take from a week to a year for your heat to come." Jin says and pulls the boys shirt down to reveal the delicious looking vein.
"You do know that once I mark you, I need to drink your blood a lot to stay alive, correct?" Jin asks and Jungkook smiles, knowing it will be a common event. "You are very different compared to most human raised." Jin mumbles, licking over the vein and Jungkook shudders in pleasure, stretching his head to the side to reveal more of his neck and subconsciously, he knows he is showing his submission. "Mabe because I raised myself." Jungkook whispers and runs his fingers through Jins hairs, gasping and moaning when he feels the sharp fangs puncture his neck and his blood running down his back.
Jin notices that his little omega is starting to get frustrated with the pleasure, but no friction, so he slides his hand down into the omegas pants and starts stroking the erect penis, earning a thrust and loud whimper. "Hyung, please~" Jungkook whines and has to bite his hand to muffle his scream of pleasure when Jin uses the youngers pre-cum as lube and thrusts a long finger directly into Jungkooks prostate. Jin places a light pressure on the soft spot again pulls away from the neck as the younger cums in his boxers.
"You taste amazing." Seokjin says in a raspy voice before pulling hand out of the younger boxers and bring to his mouth to lick the thick fluid off his hand and hum in satisfaction. "From both ends~" Jin adds and Jungkook turns a bright red, making Seokjin realise something, "Have you never even touched yourself?" The elder asked and Jungkook looks down at his soiled lap, "I was never really sure what to do and I had never had an erection that couldn't be fixed with a cold shower, so I never needed to. I have a lot of . . .toys, but they are from Sehun teasing me, so none of them are opened." Jungkook admits and Jin pulls him into a strong hug. "Well, we can open them later, but how about you go get a shower while I make breakfast for you and Winter?"

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