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"I guess you two will have to come home with me today because Kir and Jer still aren't haven't called me." Jungkook mumbles, picking up the kids and grabbing a leg leash to attatch to Ambers harness. "Lets go back your house and pack some overnight bags."

"Okay, Winter, I need you to pack toys for you and your brother while I pack food because my fridge is empty." Jungkook says, laying Royce in his carseat on the kitchen table before going to the pantry and grabbing a food tote. As soon as he opens the fridge, he hears the doorbell and groans, walking over and opening it, expecting to see Exo, but is shocked by two police officers. "Are you Jeon Jungkook?" The first man asks, and when Jungkook nods he smiles sweetly, "The owners of this house were caught last night seeling enough illegal cartel to put them away for life, but the woman said that they had two kids at home with their godparent. We need you to evacuate the house with the children-and dog- and go to your own apartment. We will provide transportation later and we will contact you later so that their lawyer can link you to all of the things they are leaving you and their kids." The man says and Jungkooks jaw drops. "O-okay. Um, you can come in for a while, I thought they were just working late again and was about to take the kids to my place anyway, how long do I have?" Jungkook asks and the officers shrug. "Okay, well, if they were selling drugs, they have a stash of baby formula that I was directly told never to give to the baby." Jungkook mumbles and points to the cabinet that he was told not to touch, hoping that his acting was good enough to pass him through their questioning. "Yeah, these are labled 'Cocaine', we need you to vacate now." The main officer says and Jungkook nods, "Amber, get Winter." Jungkook says andd he dog runs upstairs while he buckles Royce into his seat and grabs the portable crib and suitcase of diapers and baby clothes while Winter comes downstairs with Amber who is carrying two large bags in her mouth. "Winter, did you make Amber carry your bags?" Jungkook asks out of shock. "No, Amber took." Winter says, and makes eye contact with the police officers, instantly shedding tears and running to Jungkook to hide while Amber sits next to them.
"The woman was right, they are basically his kids." The second officer says and Jungkook sighs before setting down the bags and crib and picking up Winter and placing her on his shoulders. "We will grab your bags, you got get the kids and dog in the back of the van."

"Thank you, officers!" Jungkook says, as the men leave after voluntarily setting up the portable crib and putting all of the childrens clothes in his spare dresser.  "No problem, call us if you need anything." The men say and exit the building. "Mommy, the pretty man is staring at us." Winter says and Amber jumps infront of them taking up a protective stance and growling as a truly beautiful man steps out of the previously empty apartment. "Hi, my name is Kim Seokjin, I'm your new neighbor."
'Holy shit, he is hot' Jungkook thinks before patting Ambers butt to calm her down. "Hi, I'm Jungkook, this is Amber and Winter-" Jungkook starts and flinches when Royce starts crying from his crib. "-And that is Royce, you can come in if you would like." Jungkook says and runs inside, quickly grabbing the baby. "You have two kids?" Seokjin asks, casiously stepping around a wary Amber and folling Winter who was pulling him by his wrist. "Umm, I am their godparent and due to circumstances, they will now live with me for the rest of their childhood.... I am so never going to get a boyfriend. " Jungkook whines and runs to the kitchen with Royce to make a bottle. "Oh, these are the kids of those drug dealing parents that got arrested this morning?" Jin asked and Jungkook spins around with wide eyes. "How did you-" the young boy starts. "They were on the news, but your name and the names of the kids were not mentioned." Jin says, wondering if this kid is in the gang that set up the parents of the kids. "Well, if you ever find a hurt animal or need your pets examined, I am a vet, so just bring them by here or my work..... Are you my Hyung?" Jungkook says and Jin smiles, hoping the boy wasn't in a gang because that would make courting his mate much more difficult. "I am twenty-six, so probably, Have you heard about all the gang activity lately?" Jin asks and Jungkook groans, muttering something that Jin could swear he heard the name of one of the top SM branches. "Yes and I have actually gotten a few of their dogs before, they can be nice, but I am so flipping tired of them asking me to become their full time medic! Like, I enjoy being a vet without needing protection!"
Jin nods, knowing he wasn't going to be able to get him to join Gangtan. "I think the only way Iwould join a gang is if they knew how to make a male a carrier." Jungkook mumble and Seokjin decides he should ask his gangs leader to try making one. "Well, I need to go, but maybe we could have coffee tomorrow?" Jin says and Jungkook blushes lightly, making the elder feel something down below from the vision of innocence. "I could meet you on my lunch break or you can come over at four a.m. and drink morning coffee with me. Those are the only times I won't have the kids." Jungkook says and Jin smiles, "How about both? I can come over in the morning and you can tell me where your work is, then I will bring you lunch." Jin says and Jungkook smiles brightly, "That would be great, hyung!"

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