28- Are You Eating my Icecream?

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I bit my bottom lip as I focused on the doorknob in front of me, fiddling with the screws that kept it in place. I attempted sticking my fingernails into the flat screws and turning my fingers but I had no such luck and causing them to budge. Still, I continued to fidget with the lock in an attempt to escape.

The apartment was completely silent outside of my room, so I assumed everyone had gone home or gone looking for the guy who had attacked me. Bennett had locked the doors when he left, so I was trying to figure out a way to open the door.

I could have used a credit card or something to push between the door and frame and edge the deadbolt out of the lock, but unfortunately this lock didn't work that way. Instead of something sliding between the door and the frame when you twisted the lock, it just locked the door handle in place so that you couldn't move the handle up and down to therefor move the lock. So the alternative- the screws that held the handle on the door.

I hissed through gritted teeth when I twisted my fingernail too hard, causing my weak nail to tear. Pulling my hand away from the lock, I sucked on the bleeding finger, silently cursing at the stubborn door.

I cast one last glare at the door before huffing and standing up from my crouching position, kicking the stupid door in annoyance.

Glancing down at my wrist watch, I saw it had been about a half hour since they had left before sighing and running my hands through my hair, pacing across the room like a caged animal.

Charlie is going to kill me if I'm not at work tonight.

I chewed on my lip as my brows furrowed in worry. I needed that job. I could not afford to get fired before I could even start...

My nails dug into my arms as I hugged myself tightly while crazy scenarios buzzed through my head.

First I would get fired from my job, meaning I wouldn't make enough money, not making enough money would result in not having enough food, meaning I would have to give up King to a family that can take care of him, meaning I would lose my dog... Not just a dog- I would lose my family- I can't lose my family- I can't lose my job-My money-hungry-It's cold-The Musketeers will find out-Burden-

Snap out of it! I scolded myself, forcing myself to stop pacing and take steadier breaths, just take a deep breath...

My breathing had gone from normal to racing in a matter of seconds but the slower, steadier inhaling and exhaling soothed me slightly. Slowly but surely, I managed to chase away the false reality I was creating for myself and entered back into the real one, which unfortunately not very different.

I unwrapped my arms from around myself and cringed at the indents my fingernails had left on my arms.

Just breath...

I spent the next minute taking steady breaths, five seconds inhaling and five seconds exhaling.

When my heart had stopped racing I swallowed the lump in my throat and sat down on the soft bed, running my hand over the crinkles in the sheets to straighten them. I shook off the last of my jumbled nerves and looked through the window outside.

The sunshine shown brightly through the windows, illuminating the pale colored room. Outside, I could see the tops of other buildings and a road almost out of view unless you looked through the window at an angle. The sound of a barking dog reminded me of King, but this time, instead of making up crazy scenarios, I just made a mental note of the facts.

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