6- Mark that one off the Bucket List

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My eyes widened and I noticed police lights flashing down the street. Bennett and I ran towards the car as police cars screeched to a stop in front  of the building. A police car suddenly halted in front of us and blocked our way to the car. Bennett cursed and got his phone out of his pocket as he pulled me through the crowd of scattered teenagers.

"Yo, its Bennett. I'm giving you permission to drive my ca-" he winced and pulled the phone away from his ear momentarily as a shouting voice came from it.

"Oh shut up and listen! Drive it to the street behind the house- hey, if you scratch my car I will personally kill you."

He hung up the phone and dragged me through the yard and towards the back, but as we approached the backyard, a police officer stepped in our way and stopped us.

"Stop where you-"The officer looked at me with disbelief and shock and my eyes widened as I recognized the officer. It was my dads old partner. "Lex?"

Bennett used the officers state of shock to his advantage and quickly pulled me around the stunned officer. He reached out for me too late and we were gone.

As we ran I could here his voice shout, "Lex! Stop!"

We cut through yards and jumped fences until we saw Bennett's car screech to a stop in front of us. Bennett cursed and opened the driver door and Jordan got out of the driver's seat.

"Your busting up my tires!" Bennett shouted.

"Oh, you do worse all the time!"

A pair of flashing lights suddenly appeared at the end of the street and we all rushed into the car. Jordan sat in the passenger seat and Naomi, Declan and I all sat in the back.

"Drive!" We all shouted. Bennett stepped on the gas and the car jolted forward, before he made a U-turn towards the city. The police car wasn't far behind, as it followed behind us with lights flashing and sirens wailing.

Bennett made sharp turns and drove through crowded roads to try and lose the cop car but the car stayed on our tail. Bennett cursed in frustration when he couldn't lose the cop car and I glanced behind us.

"Why are they still following us? There were dozens of other cars that were driving away!" Jordan groaned.

Maybe because they want to know why a thought to be dead girl is still alive. I thought.

I immediately felt guilty. I had barely just met these guys and I was already a burden to them.

I noticed a giant indoor car park at the edge of the street and pointed.


"Got it." Bennett turned the wheel hard and we raced into the indoor car park. We passed dozens of cars and traveled up. The flashing lights were close behind us, but we managed to get some distance between us and them. Bennett quickly turned into a parking space camouflaged between other nice cars and pulled the keys out of the ignition.

"Duck down." He ordered.

We all got down and stayed silent as the police car soon came into view. It traveled slower now, Driving down each isle at a slow and steady pace. A light came from the passenger side of the window and shined down the isles and at each of the cars. When they got closer we all held our breaths, but luckily, the light just passed through the windows and the car moved on. When the police car drove up to the next level we all exhaled and Bennett waited a minute or two before starting the ignition and driving on.

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