3- The Contract of Starbacks 2.0!

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I was rushing through the halls when I suddenly felt two pairs of arms yanking me back. My first instinct was to throw my fists in every direction, but my captors had a strong grip on me so that I couldn't reach them.

"Let go of me! Let go-" A large hand covered my mouth, and muffled my shouts. I continued to thrash around, trying to kick the people behind me but I couldn't reach them. I opened my mouth wide and bit down on the hand that covered my mouth and the person pulled their hand away and cursed.

"Dang, woman!" A deep voice groaned. Although he didn't say dang. The voice sounded familiar, but I didn't think much of it as my main focus was to get out of the person's grip and kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Raymond you coward! Come here and face me yourself you little-"

"Raymond?" Another voice cut me off. Someone came into my view as he walked out from behind me and into my view in front of me. I recognized him as one of the boys from Starbucks, Bennett, I believe. He held my items in one of his arms and in his free hand he was texting away on his phone.

"Sorry to break it to you," Bennett said while still looking at his phone, "But it's not Raymond."

My brows drew together in confusion and I momentarily stopped struggling as I tilted my head back so I could see the upside down faces of Jordan and Declan. I noticed Jordan was shaking one of his hands with a look of pain on his face. He must have been the one I bit.

I turned my attention back to Bennett who had pocketed his phone and was now staring at me with a blank expression.

"Ugh, it's you three." I sneered.

"Well hello to you too." Jordan groaned, "And, you bit me! That really hurt!"

"Yea, I know. That's the point." I snapped.

"You two have had a lot of stupid ideas," Bennett shook his head, "But this is honestly one of your dumbest."

"Oh, come back on. They'll love each other! They're just like each other!" Declan cut in.

What? Who will love each other? Me and someone else? What is going on?

While they dragged me down the hall, I continued to try and get out of their grip, but after a while of trying I gave up. "So," I clicked my tongue, "what's the purpose of my kidnapping today?"

"You'll see..." Jordan said with a mischievous tone.

I continued throwing out curses and threats every once and a while as we traveled further into the school. The further into the school we went the more I began to panic.

What were they going to do to me?

My mind ran wild and scenarios grew worse and crazier as we moved on. As we moved into a more vacant part of the school I began to panic more and my heart was racing.

"Look, fellas, if this is about the table at Starbucks you can have it! I-I don't even like that table that much." I chuckled nervously.

Bennett rolled his eyes, "This isn't about a stupid table."

We suddenly came to a stop at a classroom and Declan and Jordan pushed me towards the door. I dug my heels into the tile, but there was nothing to grab onto. The two pushed me a little harder but I still refused to go into the classroom.

"Oh my gosh, calm down. We're not going to hurt-" But I didn't let Declan finish as I suddenly ducked down, causing the two boys to stumble forward. I turned around to run, and I almost got away, but I forgot about Bennett and he caught my wrist at the last second.

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