4- Bambi No!

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"That's all you have to eat?" After the Contract of Starbucks, we basically just walked around town and looked for things to do. We went bowling, and I was embarrassed that I didn't have any money, but Bennett insisted he would pay for all of us. Is that kid just made of money or something? Now, we were back in school, and at lunch.

I tossed my apple up in the air and caught it, "Not very hungry."

Everyone gasped, "Your not hungry? But... But it's food!" Jordan gasped.

I shrugged and took a bite of my apple, "I have a tiny appetite. It's a blessing and a curse." and it was true, I did have a small appetite, but I got hungry very easily. It's really weird, I'll be starving one moment, but once I get  even a bite to eat, I'm fine. Maybe it's just instinct from all this time of rationing my food.

The atmosphere suddenly shifted as everyone tensed. I looked at them weirdly until I noticed some motion to my right and glanced over to see a boy walking past. He didn't stop, but threw a, "hey, Naomi," to our table as he passed.

I looked back at everyone at the table and noticed the guys' jaws were clenched and Naomi uncomfortably shifted in her seat.

"Who was that?" Everyone tensed.

Naomi looked up at the boy who was now seated at another table and sighed before looking back down at her food. "No one important." I noticed the boys visibly relax and they let out a breath that they were holding.

I looked back at the boy then at Naomi, "Oh come on. I'm your new official girlfriend. And as your girlfriend, it's basically my job to probe you on this kinda boy stuff." I looked over to the guys, "Not counting you three, at least. So who is he? A former lover? An Ex?" All at once the guys started coughing, probably from choking on the food they were eating and Naomi's eye's widened.

"W-what?! No! Never! He's just I childhood friend! That's it." Naomi sputtered out.

"Yeah," Jordan cut in and swung his arm around Naomi, "She's mine."

Naomi's eyes widened and she looked at Jordan, "Wait, what?"

Jordan's eyes widened as well, and I could see his cheeks redden. "Did I say mine? I meant ours... Isn't that what I said? Yeah, ours, because your our friend, and our good girl and... Um..." Jordan cleared his throat before changing the subject, "So what's in this schools mystery meat? Honestly, is it even meat?"

I was barely containing the smile that was threatening to take over my face. Oh my gosh... Jordan's got the hots for a certain nerd I know. "Someone's not listening to Section fifteen, Article five..." I muttered in a singsong voice.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"Nothing..." I muttered while pursing my lips.

Declan blinked before regaining his composure, "I heard its horse meat."

"Maybe it's venison." Bennett muttered.

I nearly dropped my apple, "Bambi, no!"

Bennett chuckled, "Okay, maybe it's not venison. Venison is actually really good, and this stuff tastes like crap." Bennett muttered as he poked at the meat and scowled.

"Wait...You killed Bambi? And then... And then you ate him?" I said with a horrified look sketched on my face.

"Yep." Bennett smirked, "He was delicious. Haven't you had it before?"

"Yeah... I had it once."
"Try this." My father said, as he laid out a plate in front of me. There was some meat on it, but I didn't know what kind.

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