22- I'm Making S'mores

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"This experiment will end up being twenty percent of your grade, so I suggest you all listen carefully." Mr. Ford, our AP chemistry teacher, spoke to the class as he wrote formulas and measurements up on the board. I sat at my desk with one hand propped beneath my chin, my eyes barely open. I looked over to see Naomi taking notes, but every few sentences she wrote, I noticed her head begin to sag before she jolted back up straight and continued to write. Jordan on the other hand was sleeping on his backpack, not even trying to stay awake. We had all had crazy nights the night before due to the gang shooting, and I still wondered what the boys had been up to that night. All the evidence pointed to them being the men I ran into in the alleys, but I couldn't believe it to be true.

I leaned over to Jordan and poked him with my pencil. "Jordan," I whispered.

Jordan groaned in his sleep and shifted, "Five more minutes, mom..."

Aw that's cute...

I smiled a little bit as his innocence before sighing and licking the end of my pencil and sticking it in his ear.

He jolted awake and shouted, "I DIDN'T EAT THE COOKIES IT WAS THE MONKEY!"

The whole class turned to Jordan and a few snickered. Mr. Ford raised a brow and Jordan let out a nervous chuckle. Mr. Ford simply sighed and shook his head before returning to the whiteboard.

Jordan whipped towards me and glared, whispering, "What the heck did you do that for?"

I nodded my head to the whiteboard and said, "I'm helping you. This experiment is worth twenty percent of your grade. I know what your grades are, you better start paying attention so you don't fail this class."

Jordan just chuckled and shook his head, repositioning himself in a sleeping position as his eyes drifted closed. "Nah, I'm not worried about it. I can just rely on you and Naomi to get me an A. Everyone knows that you two are the smartest in our grade."

I raised a brow, saying, "I'm not letting you cheat off of me, and I'm guessing Naomi isn't either."

Jordan looked at me mischievously and grinned. "Who said I was gunna cheat? This is a GROUP assignment after all."

"Sorry to bust your bubble, Jordan, but we're going solo on this experiment. It's not a group project."

Jordan didn't flinch. He snuggled further into his backpack and closed his eyes saying, "Don't worry, it is."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"No it-" Jordan suddenly cut me off with his finger to my lips and with his eyes still closed, raised up three fingers.

Then two.

Then one.

He pointed to the teacher the exact moment that he said, "Lucky for those of you who don't have a clue as to what I just said, this will be a group assignment with the people at your table."

Cheers erupted within the class and I just blinked at the teacher. When I turned back to look at Jordan, his eyes were wide open and he was smiling smugly at me.

I blinked back at him and stammered, "H-how did you-"

"I hacked the school computers and took a look at the schedule and the assignments."


A little lightbulb flickered in Jordan's brain as he pulled out his phone, "that reminds me..."

He leaned over me and positioned his phone over Naomi's textbook, snapping a quick picture of her notes. At the sound of the cameras click, Naomi looked up and narrowed her eyes at Jordan, attempting to swipe the phone out of his hands.

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