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"Don't leave our side."


"And don't drink the punch."


"And take any opened drinks from anyone."

"Okay guys! I got-"

"And don't get pregna-!"

"OH MY GOSH! Guys calm down! This is not my first rodeo." I groaned as we approached the front door. Even from outside you could hear the music roaring throughout the house. The music seemed to bounce the entire building and vibrate every window. The party was also going strong outside; there was a couple making out on a car, drunk guys starting fights, and a group of people smoking some type of illegal drug. Beer bottles and red cups littered the ground and I even saw a flipped over couch on the lawn.

"What is it with bra's on mailboxes?" I heard Naomi mutter beside me. I looked over and sure enough there was a red lace bra strapped on the mailbox.

I chuckled and said, "I've seen worse things on mailboxes at parties like this. One time, a group of boys took a deer head trophy and strapped it to the front, but they cut into the mouth so you could stick the mail in." I laughed at the memory, "Then, being drunk idiots, they stuck their head in the deers mouth. One guys head got stuck, and he just fell asleep on the front lawn with that deer head on his head." Naomi and I laughed as we followed behind the boys. When we approached the bouncer, his eyes went wide and he immediately moved out of the way so we could pass.


As soon as we entered the house, a wave of humidity passed over us as well as the smell of sweat, smoke, and alcohol. But one thing that welcomed me was the booming music that came from the living room. My first instinct was to sprint to the dance floor, but a hand grabbed my forearm and stopped me.

"Put on your tank top first." Jordan told me.

I frowned and stomped my foot, embracing my inner three year old. "You're no fun."

Jordan led me up to the bathroom while Bennett, Declan, and Naomi all left to go into the kitchen to find some unopened sodas before they were all gone. The building was two stories and the bathroom was on the second floor. We went up the stairs and down the hall and I tried to block out the disturbing noises that came from the closed bedrooms. When we found the bathroom, we opened the door to find that it was surprisingly vacant and I ushered Jordan out so that I could change.

I changed quickly but waited in the bathroom for a little bit, devising a plan in my mind. I knew if I stayed with the boys, they wouldn't let me have any fun. They would probably have a fit if they saw my dancing. I had to get away somehow...

I didn't have to worry about Declan or Bennett because they were with Naomi downstairs... Now I just had to get passed Jordan... What do guys like? Sports cars, pretty woman, and-

Got it.

I twisted the knob on the door and was met by an impatient Jordan. "How long does it take to change into a tank top? They just threw a guy off the floor and into the pool and I missed it!"

I simply shrugged and we began walking down the hall again and down the stairs. Once we were on the main level of the house, I gasped, "Wow! Is that a chocolate fountain in the dining room?! They even have ribs and steak!"

Jordan immediately perked up and stood up tall so he could peer over the heads of the other teenagers. "What?! Where?!" As he looked around I slipped into the crowd and just like that, I was gone.

Teenage boys love food.

I cackled evilly and made my way towards the dance floor, where I've been longing to go since I walked through the doors. I swayed my hips to the beat of the music, but I wasn't feeling it. I frowned and approached the DJ behind the speakers and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around to me, but still held one hand to the head phones and bounced his head to the beat.

The (not so) Good Girls Bad Boys: The Good, The Bad and The AbandonedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora