Episode 1

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On a dark night in June there is a shady arrangement going on between two groups of individuals in a dark alley. The first group are all wearing black business suits and look neat and tidy, whereas the other group look like they just were let out of a not-so good public school, with their torn hoodies and ripped jeans. The leader of the businessmen approached a man with a navy-blue hoodie and said, "Does anyone else know we are here". "Nah man", said the man in the hoodie, "Did you bring the memory?" The businessman than pulled out a USB drive with the word "BEAST" written on it and pressed the button located by the port. The USB drive then said the word, "BEAST" aloud and the not-so nice dressed men looked frightened as they were worried that this secret meeting wouldn't be so secret anymore. "Quiet you fool. Do you want the Riders to hear us?" Then, shadows fall over the two groups of men and they look up to a nearby rooftop and see two young men looking over them: one is a rather short fellow with a muscular build while the other is much larger in both girth and height.

"Did Riders say Somebody?" said the larger man. "Aw come on buddy, you screwed up the easiest line in the book" said the short man. "Oh sorry. Did somebody say Riders?" said the larger man. "Now you just sound pathetic, what do you low-lives think?" the shorter man says as he points towards the two groups. The head businessman says, "Dammit, the Riders are here, kill them!" The men around the businessman pull out more USB drives with the word "MASQUERADE" written upon it. They each press the button, "MASQUERADE" sounds from the drive and they inject it into themselves turning them into Masquerade Dopants, which resemble men in suits with a full covering black mask with a white spine and rib cage upon it. The men in casual attire throw coins on the ground which produce mummy-like creatures called Waste Yummys. The leader of the group of men takes the USB drive, which will now be called a Gaia Memory, that he pressed before and stabs himself with it, turning himself into a creature with two blue legs, a face in the middle of his chest, a black claw on his right hand, a blue claw on his left hand, and his head has a blue headdress-like object covering where his eyes would be with spider-like mandibles for a mouth. That man is now known as a Beast Dopant. The two men on the rooftop look down at the newly formed monsters and smile. Out of nowhere, two mechanical grasshoppers, one green, one brown, leap from behind the monsters and into the hands of the men on the rooftop. The men press a button on their belts and slide the grasshoppers into their belts.


The two men have now transformed into Kamen Riders. The short man was now Kamen Rider KickHopper and his large friend was now Kamen Rider PunchHopper. They both leaped down and were preparing for the ensuing conflict. PunchHopper states "I'll go for the Dopants, you go for those Yummys". "Yes sir" KickHopper says sarcastically. The battle is not much trouble for the Riders at all, PunchHopper is clearing through the Masquearde Dopants with ease as each punch he throws results in each Dopant being thrown 10 ft. from where they were last standing. The same can be said with KickHopper as each Yummy he kicks turns back into a pile of coins. It is not until the Beast Dopant makes his move do the Riders realize that this night won't be that easy. The Beast Dopant lunges towards KickHopper who his then thrown against one of the alley walls, there is now a chunk of that wall missing. PunchHopper sees this and slams the side of his belt, which results in the belts saying, "CLOCK UP". Time begins to slow down for PunchHopper as he is now moving at superspeed thanks to the tachyon energy the ZECT Riders have. He runs to the Beast Dopant and puts his foot to the side of the Dopant's stomach and flips the leg of the grasshopper on his belt, "RIDER JUMP". The Dopant then goes flying across the alley and hits a car, but the momentum from the amount of speed generated from that causes the Dopant to ricochet off the car and back towards PunchHopper. PunchHopper, at this point, is now moving back at normal speed, with his belt saying, "CLOCK OVER", but he flicks the grasshopper again and it states, "RIDER PUNCH". And with that, the creature met his demise as it felt the impact of an over 10-ton punch crush its skull. The men who had used the Masquerade memories were all still alive, albeit badly injured, but the Beast Dopant had died with its Gaia Memory shattered. "I had it under control Eli" said KickHopper. "Yeah, sure Trevor, the part where you were thrown into a wall was genius" said PunchHopper. The two friends laughed it off and were about to take off their grasshopper zecters when suddenly:


The sound of Kamen Rider Build's base form echoed throughout the alley, the newcomer to the Kamen Rider family walked to the two other Riders with his sword, the Drill Crusher out and ready for battle. "That was very impressive what you guys did back there, I saw the whole thing. But I think now you must realize that I must bring you back to HQ, where you will have to face the harsh reality that you betrayed the Kamen Riders and the UFE."

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