Alec ~ Dance With Me

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This Imagine was inspired by warlock_wrath's preference. You guys should definitely check out her work it's amazing!

Also, I know it's been a while but stick around after the imagine cause YOU BEST BELIEVE WE GOT A NOTHER 'MATTHEW DADDARIO IS SO CUTE/HOT/BEAUTIFUL IT'S KILLING ME' RANTS COMING RIGHT UP!



Alec had been gone on 'official Clave business' all day and, considering you're a mundane and this business was taking place in Idris, you had not been allowed to go with him. So, of course, you had decided to blast some music whilst you cleaned yours and Alec's shared house in shorts and a tank top.

By the time the third song had come on, the mop had been forgotten about and you had started dancing to the songs as they came on, jumping around wildly. You were mid-way through singing along to Pretty Face by Public (linked above) when Alec entered the house, an amused look on his face

"Wow" he called over the music, "You really can't dance"

"Shut up!" You yell to him over the music, jumping onto the couch, mop handle in hand as you used it as a very large microphone, singing along to your favourite part of the song, "DO YOU KNOW HER? THE GIRL THAT LOOKS TO YOU. AND WOULD YOU KNOW HER? THE WAY THE SHE...LOVED...YOU!"

As you sang the last three words, you moved closer and closer to Alec, extending your hand to him, a pleading look in your eyes

"Oh no" he laughs, shaking his head vigorously, "I don't dance"

"Alec" you whine, pouting and pulling the puppy dog eyes on him, "Pleeeease?"

Alec only rolled his eyes, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it on the coat hanger, a fond smile spreading across his face as you shimmied, sashayed and hair flipped to the last few notes of the song before it, again, changed, this time to Roslyn by Bon Iver & St Vincent (linked below)

"Now this..." Alec beamed widely, taking your hand, and spinning you around in a gentle circle, "...I can dance too"

Before you can say anything, or convey your surprise that he was actually dancing with you, Alec spun you around again before pulling you close to him and begging to waltz with you, slow and gentle, his feet gliding to the beat, making no mistake whilst yours stumbled and tripped

"You waltz?" you ask, a tone of suppressed amusement and awe coating your words

"Yes, I waltz" Alec rolls his eyes, ignoring your semi-snide comment

"When did you learn to waltz?" 

"Well, it wasn't really my choice" Alec sighed, quickly sidestepping your stumbling foot, "Mother made Izzy, Jace and I learn years ago"

"Why?" you question

 "She's Maryse Lightwood"

You nod, knowing Maryse as well as you do, you definitely didn't need more information than that.

Suddenly, you let out a snort of laughter, imagining a younger Alec glaring disdainfully at the little girl he was partnered with, learning to waltz

"What's so funny?" Alec inquires, raising an eyebrow

"Nothing" you chuckle, "Just imagining you dancing with some snooty eight year old, being taught to waltz"

"Her name was Susannah Foxfair and she was awful" Alec recalls, "After I while I just drowned her droning out. I hated those dance classes. But now, with you, I think I could learn to be rather fond of it"

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