Chapter 29. Fighting for dominance

Start from the beginning

In our meeting we had established two leading characters and two pawns who were being led to believe they would help rule whatever it is they were trying to achieve. Yet we couldn’t be sure that this was actually the amount of people involved so that meant that apart from Lunar Sky we couldn’t count on any other pack in the area.

Point number two stated that we needed to find out what their goal was. Only finding the Mai Coh couldn’t be just it. Asher claimed it had to do something with Wolfs rock. Our plan of action was to go there and see if the moon goddess knows anything. And hopefully she would be able to tell me more about what happened with my mother and who the Mai Coh is.

I was also hoping that this vision dreaming would kick in a bit because it had been really helpful that one time in the past. I also asked Aaron to tell me about all the dreams he will have in the future, we needed every ounce of help we could get.

As for part three of our plan we decided to fuse the packs together. It makes a lot more sense seeing that I’m the Luna of one pack and the Alpha of the other. Asher told me that an alpha couple would be a first in the werewolf community but that he was sure we could pull it off.

If we would be so fortunate to have children in the future the pack would be chopped up in several pieces and given to all of them. This would make dealing with pack problems a lot easier.     

‘We think that Marcus Grey and Dante Greers are the main instigators behind this plan. Harding is not nearly smart enough to pull it off and from what Aaron told me Duke Caskan is out of control due to his bloodlust and not smart enough to cover his tracks.’ Asher said to the three others. 

‘But we can’t be sure?’ Quinn asked.

‘I have a feeling that Sandy knows more, I want to interrogate her.’ I said and looked at Asher. He nodded. ‘We can go there after the meeting and update you three when we are done.’

Quinn and Liam nodded. Callum on the other hand only shook his head. ‘There are too many variables in this plan of your. Why don’t we find the place they are holding the she-wolves?’

‘We try to do that as well but they could be anywhere.’ I said and thought of Kate must be going through. I knew I couldn’t help her right now and that thought was truly killing me. ‘Going in blind won’t benefit us in any way, it will only get people killed in the process. We just told you that we have people looking out for information.’ I answered

‘We need to come up with a plan. I can send my finest trackers.’ He said and flinched, quickly realizing his mistake.

‘Your finest trackers Callum?’ I asked him politely. Calia growled in my mind, he had vowed allegiance to me but Asher was apparently right. He had been on his own for far too long and switching into beta position was hard for him, he was too used to being in control and make all the final decisions.

‘You know what I mean, the trackers I’ve trained. They are really good.’ He corrected himself.

‘I believe that, it’s a good idea and it’s worth considering pairing them up with the team we have already assembled to find information on the whereabouts of the she wolves.’ I looked at Asher because I could use his leadership and experience as an alpha. Callum really did have a point sending out trackers and Darklight warriors were excellently trained. I just couldn’t do nothing to find Kate and the other missing she wolves.

Asher nodded. ‘It is a good idea. Send the men you think are suited towards us and we will instruct them on who to contact and how to proceed further.’

At that Callum bowed and we all stood up.

I mindlinked Asher. ‘I want to talk to Callum on my own for a minute.’ He smiled at me and mindlinked back. ‘Alright, I’ll talk to you in a bit. Do what you think is best sweetheart.’

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