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Didn't take that long before Jak and Daxter called had to go to the crane site. We entered, seeing the baron as we all rushed over to him for only Kor to drop from the fucking sky. "Kor, what's going on?" Jak stopped and asked as Kor turned to us, face darker than before.

"I'm sure you know... in your deepest darkest fears. As for you," he turned to me. "-you're supposed to be dead." Kor growled and started sprouted extra legs an grew ten times bigger!

No, it was him.

"You! I dealt with you!"

"Twice now," he grabbed onto me. "I'm sending you into the past, and you won't come back!" He held me close as he hit his tail against the baron. "Give me the precursor stone!"

"You'll... never find it." Baron Praxis muttered, as Kor's claws squeezed me tighter.

"Even if I have to tear down this city brick by brick, I'll find it!"

I finally had air, and I tried to get out. "Jak!" I shouted. "Help!"

"Aiden!" Both Jak and Daxter rushed towards me.

Kor jumped into the air, taking me with him.


Kor warned his nest, gathering the rift rings as I struggled to break free. "Leave me- alone!" I shouted, as he squeezed tighter.

The rings start to fly into the air and they turned on. The light, I looked away. "Fine, into the past you go!" He shouted, tossing me into the rings. "I'll never see you come back!"

That was the last thing I heard, I started spiraling out of control. I breathed harder and harder, looking around. The longer I'm in here, the more I go back in time. I need to leave!

Diving outside of the rift's travel. I sparked into the sky again. I saw sand upon sand and saw a small body of water. I aimed and hit into it. Submerged underneath, I rose to the top.

It was a desert, and no trace of human life... was this a wasteland?

I looked up to the sky seeing my trail of smoke fading. "Hello!?" I shouted, to no answer in reply.

How far back did I go?

I swam out of the water, seeing... a land zoomer with round things approaching... who the hell were they?

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