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Limps aching, torso cramping, head splitting pain! I was strapped to something... cold? Opening my eyes to the beaming lights above me I quickly try to readjust them, hoping to see in the bright light. Slowly the room gain color and objects appearing... the color of murky yellow was clear. It looked like a garabge bin? I took my blessings to still be alive but something was far off, how did I get here? There was weird shape things everywhere and nothing was made out of wood... it was so futuristic to me?

I struggled, finding myself opened up to leave, they weren't even strapped on correctly? Glancing to my surroundings I saw no doors, just metal. This was scary, and I have no idea how I got here still. I should investigate. Getting up I looked to see things on the floor recklessly scattered. I almost hit my foot on one, but I skipped over the metal things. There were photos on the wall, or something like a shooting star. I picked it up and saw writing on the back labeled 'Jak and Daxter?'. How did these people know about sandover village's heroes?

There was a 'swish' sound and it revealed a wall was a door, with a girl looking at papers. I quickly dived behind a counter... wait a minute! That's Keria?! She's one of the people that saved the world! I stood up and glanced to her. She looked up, dropping the papers on the floor. A fury of a thousands suns went into her eyes and she narrowed her glaze. "You!" She stomped closer. "Don't lie, I know you came through that rift!" Keira yelled.

"Uh...?" I arched my brow.

"That's the way I came in, and I know it's like Jak's and Daxter's!" Keira barked, her voice cracking from irritation. "Tell me how did you!?"

"The metalheads wouldn't stop coming out of the portal in sandover village, so I destroyed it and the survivors are gonna kill the rest of the metalheads but I gotta go back home to kill with them.

Keria's face dropped, her posture losing dominance. "Sandover...? Survivors?"

"You guys opened that portal and we had to close it before everyone died!" My body had a rush of anger. "I gotta go back and take it upon myself to kill the last metalhead for the sages!"

"They're dead... they're all dead..." Keria grabbed my shoulders. "What is your name?"

Now the hero was asking my name, but I was still in shock as finding out that they actually did die to the King of the metalheads. It left me devastated, having my heart ripped out of my chest as my father died along with them. She began to shake me even more, and I looked into her eyes to see that they were clear as day. "My name... is Aiden..." I finally was able to spit out my name, feeling my voice tremble and try to hide my sadness from her at the same time. "They're... all dead?"

"We're thousands of years into the future, they're not dead because of Misfortune, they're dead because of age anyways..." Keria frowned, biting gently on her bottom lip and taking a breath of Dusty air to come up with more words.

"My dad..."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"My father... was the r-red eco sage..."

"You were going to be the successor...?" Keria asked, touching her heart with her hand and looking off to the dirty floor. "I was actually going to do the same..." She muttered, brushing a strand of hair behind her long ear. She looked up, her eyes watering and turning red as slowly as it did. "I don't know where my father is... he had came through the time-rift and suddenly drifted off so I don't know where he is and I didn't see him falling down or his silhouette in the fire..."

"Who... who else is here anymore?"

Keria backed away, and sighed heavily. "I... don't think so, everyone that came through the rift which is just Jak, Samos, and Daxter, with myself... now you?" She set her finger on her chin and leaned in closer with one eyebrow arched. Her eyes looking up and down my figure as she wanted to know if anything happened. "Why aren't you burned?" She asked.

"I was battling the metal head leader with white Eco, before he pulled me into the portal and force me to be come along to you guys." I started to get worried for my body, as it did just finish the white eco before I came down. "Wait," I completely stopped in thought, "how did you find me?" My eyes widen, as there were we were two aspects to this word room and if I complied them to the world it would be a bit weird.

"I'm... in a resistance, and I knew that was the way I came into the world, so I requested that I got to see you first." She nodded her head. "They're actually here right now, and I say we actually have a pretty good chance at winning this war because we have someone else from Sandover Village and if we can find Jak we can get everything moving!" Her lips curled into a smile, her Palm in the air and her other hand punching it for a victory and threat against whatever resistance was going against.

"Woah... all I did poor sandover Village was destroyed that horrible ring that connected the future in the past together." I gritted my teeth.

Keria walked away, then went to her curtain to reveal a hunk of metal. "This... is what we used to get here. Its a big zoomer that brought us here, so we can ride it back to the past and live out our lives there. I need your help together things, but all the parts are scattered and I have no idea where they are!" Keria quickly shut the curtain. "So, will you help me?"

I nodded.

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