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"Sorry I'm late, I got mugged on the way here!" I explained, running into the bar's doors and stopping next to Tess. "It was weird, they stole a zoomer and my jacket." I mumbled, as she handed me a toy hammer and looked me in the eyes. "What...? What is this?" I questioned to see her about to explain after I said.

"Krew put something in here, whatever it was; he did it in a rush."

"So... we beat that game...?" I worried, and she nodded. "Well... start it! I'm the best metal head masher here! What's a game without it's breaker!" I smirked as she started the game. "Alright, I can do this." I told myself, readjusting my hand on the handle of it. It started, I got this first one... but as soon as the shockers came about the whole thing went south.

"Are you... okay?" Tess asked as I was exhausted and angry from failing the game.

"Yes! I'm better with real metal heads!" I huffed out, as I started glowing red. "I'm a good metal head masher!" I yelled; repeatedly hitting the same place with the foam hammer. "This game is rigged!" I yelled, the thing caving in and cracking. Something popped out due to my sheer aggregation as I stated to relax as Tess clapped and grabbed the damn thing from it. "Ha... Ha... I did it."

"I'll tell the boys you did the job right..." Tess winked and I wiped the sweat. "You truly did break the high score."

"Thanks, but I'm the best metal head smasher! The game doesn't represent what I can actually do y'know. I'm just not that big of a hammer girl, more like spears for me." I winked and she laughed calmly. "Now let's bring that to the Samoses and Keira." I told her as I turned to the door, metal heads! "What the hell!" I shouted, already hitting them in the head like a rapid fire gun. They tumbled to the floor. "What are metal heads doing here?!" I yelled in a panic.

"I don't know, but you need to find Jak and Daxter and tell them Sig went on a mission to the underport. I would send you but they have expirance with a machine there, and only they know how to use it."

"Alright, I'll call em'... I'll protect you on the way over-"

"Samos told me you gotta help the citizens, when Jak and Daxter finish their job, they'll call you."

"Fine... you go ahead, I'll help out everyone I can." I motioned her out the door as she held the device in her hands and rushed to the nearest zoomer.

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