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This was actually peaceful, it feels like sand over whenever the metalheads were calm and hiding back at their hive. This seemed like the perfect spot but there is debris of metal everywhere, it looks like something blew up and scattered all around so I sat down on one of the curved edges and looked off to the sea. Jak and Daxter left me here as I got the area cleared before it sat down. The waves brushed against the sand revealing stones in more metal debris, I could hear the waves crashing against each other as a pullback and overcome each other. I took my breath of the seat Salt Air mixed with gas.

I looked in my clothes as I got new ones, my feet were still there even though no one else was doing that, I felt like I needed to carry on the tradition and I can't I believe shoes are comfortable. I rather be having my feet in the sand then having small bits of them crawl in my boots.

I wonder what truly happened to my father, did the metal King kill him before or did time kill him. I just want to know if there's proof, If there's hope for a bigger brighter future for them. As I had my ride here with Jak and Daxter, they told me all the Bleak things that's been happening, as far as they knew. Of course I was worried about this world, but I haven't had that much attachment yet and the world that I was fighting for was already infected with Metalhead so it was harder to care.

The thought blaming Jak for the metalheads coming through the portal already came to my mind, but I was at peace with it and realized that there was nothing to be stopped during that time. With the portal close, in the metal head still in this future. What does that mean for back home? Did they survive somehow, deep in the mines and no one bothered to try to go hunt them down and kill the last of them? Or did they spread rapidly and no one dared to stand up and people hid instead?

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard dragging of body limbs? There are multiple than one, so I glanced and saw a pack of metalheads. I didn't feel threatened at all, it felt kind of good to be hunted by the metalheads so I stood up and looked around for a weapon. A pole sticking out of the ground would do, I grabbed it chortling it and Landing it both of my hands as I pointed at them but the jagged part of its end.

"I've killed you and ancestors, now It's Time to kill the descendants!" I growled, and saw red, literally. My body was glowing bright red, but I knew I had to deal with that secondly, so I ran up to them stabbing them between their necks and collarbones. It was the ultimate weak spot, and they soon deteriorated into dark eco.

"What the hell happened here?" Jak asked as he approached me close. "I started rushing to help because I saw a four-legged Metalhead... but you killed em'."

"I told you I can handle my own, I had my small practice with the metal head all uover the old villages." My wink was friendly and I giggled. Jak smirked and came up besides me. "I'll have to go to the forest to hunt some metal heads."

"Would you like to come?" Daxter asked.

"I don't even have a weapon?" My hand went on my waist as Jak glanced to my other hand, looking at my newfound pole. "Uh, back to the real time, I would usually have a spear but I can understand if I need to swap off on to this because they're practically the same." I nodded to agree. Jak set his hand on my back and pushed me into the door and he pulled out a board only to jump on it and scoop me into his arms. Daxter laugh on his own, and I wondering what the hellwas going on. "Y'know I can walk... better yet run."

"I'm used to carrying him," Daxter confidently address, "he needs to get around faster and this is probably one of the best ways to get there. When we get a zoomer we'll do that one instead."

Jak entered the town, jumping a large wall leaving me slightly impressed and sliding near a zoomed he dumped me on to the single seat zoomed and he jumped in front of me. "Hang on, Aiden." He said as we hit full thrust towards the forest. "Keria worked all day to give us something and dropped it off for you at the forest entrance."

"Ouu!" Daxter glanced at me. "I wonder what she was on about?"

"She was sure on about me wearing shoes, got me annoyed cause I need to wear shoes to avoid stepping in stuff!" I huffed, and Jak and Daxter glanced at my feet. "I'm fine! I hate shoes anyways, they're uncomfortable." I expressed my hatred.

"Can I ask why you were glowing red?" Jak asked, taking a sharp turn.

"I... actually dont know. I've actually experienced some extra strength when I was looking up some precursor metal!" My voice louder. "I just wanna know some answers, but I'm not sure when I can..."

"I know how you feel, I'm going to look for some answers for my anger issues." Jak took his stop a little to hard and I crashed into his back. My hands wrapped around his chest as he suddenly lunged forward again, and I almost got thrown off the zoomer when we took off.

"I was the open ear back home, if you need to talk about anything I'm here and I can usually help out since I was the most optimistic one-"

"Sorry, I don't really talk about my feelings." Jak's breathing expanded as I had my arms wrapped around him holding on for dear life, I dropped the situation quickly, but I didn't expect it to go away as I was going to bring it up maybe in the forest. I should have persist on it that much, but I am worried because usually unresolved feelings can go rogue.

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