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Jak and I discussed a lot of issues we had at Sandover and this time, he's done a lot more hours of pain than I but then uncertainty everyone how to find ways to figure out how to kill the metal head, It seems impossible at first but you had to go for the blue skin pigment instead of the metal as we laughed about that in being so stupid about it because we were so clueless. Now it's basically training back at Sandover every morning.

We walked into the garage, as I was kid conversation. "-So then there I was, in the chair waking up to a pack of metalheads storming into the base!" I explained, giving a smirk. "I grab my father's eco staff, and the damn thing was jammed! So I used it to beat the wretched metalheads into the ground and the last one was about to eat the swamper's pet so I bashed it's skull in and killed it!" I laughed, remembering my tale from my own vision.

"You beat them so bad, I use my guns, or punch them."

"It takes one hit to get them like that, but it's more driven force and precision."

"Jak! Uh-did you see me on the track?" Daxter interrupted our bonding, as we glanced to see him on his trophy jumping to the floor looking rather fragile.

Jak bent down to the floor to make eye contact. "We watched you out there. You just did a little too high on the turns, but you hung in there. I'm proud of you, Dax." He smiled and stood up and Daxter's ears perked up.

"R-Really?" Daxter was finally more confident. He jumped up to Jak's shoulder, and leaned against his head. "I knew I was a great driver!"

"You wanna drive next time?" Jak smirked.

"Against that crazy lunatic, Erol?! No way!" Daxter argued.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, as they landed on Keria and so did Jak's. A sudden outbreak of anger and disgust when into the atmosphere. Taking a breath, I put my hand on his back and tried scooting him away from her. "Com'on buddy... let's get away." I motioned as I walked away with the boys.

Keria crossed her arms and sighed out loudly, and I just needed to get away from her because she was honestly frustrating to the person that saved her life when she was younger. He even saved my own life, but now we were dealing with the whole new situation as I've heard so far.

"We have more things to do." Jak grunted, looking at his communicator in his hand then slipping it into his pants pocket. "Krew needs us to do more beating up people." Jak walked over to a parked double seater. "They left the keys in, sweet." Jak jumped in, his eyes looked to me.

"Com'on, Doll." Daxter motioned.

"That's just a random person's zoomer." I get my look and scan the zoomer with my own eyes because I'm pretty sure I've never seen Jak have his own zoomer, only stealing it or using the jet board to get around. "Shouldn't we take something that wouldn't be illegal or something?"

"I mean, we're going to kill the barron, so I'm pretty sure a few missing Vehicles wouldn't mind them in the future." Jak chuckled as I had the hardest time trying to get in the zoomer without tilting or tipping it all around. I dropped to the floor only to see Jak jump out and stand beside it. He grabbed my waist to pull me off the floor with only a huff on his breath and threw me into the zoomer. "Uh thanks," I blushed from the pure embarrassment on its own, and the fact that it was kind of rather nice of him to do that for me.

"No sweat," he jumped in and started it as he went full speed again. "Wanna finish that story of yours?"

"Hm?" I questioned.

"Yeah, what was that about?"  Daxter asked, jumping in on the convo yet again.

"Oh yeah! The metalheads!" I was reminded, hitting my head softly. "That story ended, but I can tell you about the time I first killed a metalhead, funny thing was it was on accident!" I giggled.

"And how so?"

"I killed it with gravity." I shrugged, smiling even brighter as I did. The boys were confused, as I left it vague on purpose. So then I begin explaining, looking at Jack is he fixing his eyes on the road and his ears in the direction to me. They twitch slightly in the wind, and to when I started yelling louder due to excitement in my tone.

This was the first time I was actually looking at Jak, for Jak. His hair flowing in the breeze, with Daxter leaning in on a shoulder listening to every single one of my words. He'll probably just reform the story later, but Jak was more intended to listen and be focused on the road.

"That's when I killed it with... with-" I cut myself off as I stated at him more intently. Jak glanced at my direction, and took shorter glances at the road. "-with..." I stopped completely.

Jak was confused on why I stopped.

"With what?" Daxter demanded to know.

Jak looked into my eyes, as my heart pounded against my chest harder than ever. I took a shaking breath, what is wrong with me? Why can't I speak?

"Aiden?" Daxter spoke again.

"Is something wrong?" Jak asked, then we crashed against something so hard it flung me forward but luckily I was more attached to the zoomer. "Shit, I hit the guards!" Jak growled, switching hover zones, going to the floor and speeding up. "We gotta loose them quick, get ready to jump in the water below us!" Jak muttered.

"What water?" As I looked around until we fell into a pathway with water in it. Jak went through a tunnel. "Jump!" He barked and I did as told. We fell into it and the zoomer flew to the other side of the tunnel as we swam above the waterline. He looked to me. "We'll loose them soon, but what happened back there?"

"I'm not sure," I told, I really wasn't sure.

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