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"I'm almost done with your new shoes." Keira mentioned, smiling. "I've made sure that it won't flair up just crash if something goes against it's coding." Keira nodded as she then pulled the strap on it and then picked it up to shove it in my arms; feeling uneased, I looked at her with a mixed face and she rolled her eyes at me. "It'll be fine, you'll be okay."

"Oh my favorite, having to relive my trauma..." I mumbled, putting them on. "At least it's more comfy." I mumbled standing up. "So... how do I run it?" I asked.

"The button on the side... so just tap your shoes together." She told, as I walked around like a crockadog with shoes. "Don't be over dramatic, it's just shoes."

"But here's the thing, I don't wear shoes at all. I prefer being barefeet." I told her, finally standing normally. "I wish I can go home, I wish I can go home." I clicked my heels together until I started hovering above the ground, then I suddenly slip and landed on my ass. I puffed out the steam emerging from my hot temper tantrum brewing. Keira laughed as I was trying to stand with the damn thing on. "I would rather do this above dark eco... maybe then I'll get the peace I deserve." I mentioned cool'd but joking obviously.

"It takes practice, and quite a bit of it in matter of fact." Keira winked.

"How long did Jak take to get use to the jet board?"

"He... got a silver score with it as soon as he hit the place for it." Keira looked away as I felt less important now. "That's probably because he's used to my inventions, all the cars here were made by me, took years-"

"Wait how long have you been here?"

"Just four years... I have no idea how long Jak has been here." She scratch her head, trying to think.

"Jak and Daxter has been here for two years." I explained, setting my hand on my chin. "I've been here less than a month and your father for six years... looks like we all grew apart." I looked down to the floor. "When I was in your time I was just eleven... now I'm fifteen. You were older by five years, and now I caught up." I grinned and clutched my face with a smile. "Ha, looks like I'm growing up." I winked with her to roll her eyes so hard they should've fallen out of her eye sockets.

"Just do me a favor and don't do any time travel to make you even older."

"Well... when you do finish that hunk of junk, you should definitely drop me off years behind you guys."

"You'll have to live with yourself then, and then..." She stopped. "We have to live in that metal head wasteland..."

"Maybe we can stop it... I'll tell you guys not to build that damn thing."

"But then we'll never go into the future and you'll be eleven again... and we'll never meet."

"To save my own father... I wouldn't care if I'm left as an old lady for the rest of my life."

Eco Sages - Jak and Daxter Where stories live. Discover now