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- Listen... these handcuffs... he's the only one who can open them. They're neutralizing my magic but the energy gathered inside me is eating me alive. I need to release it... I need to get free from these handcuffs...

- What do you want me to do? – I ask desperate.

- We need to go home... The green leather thick book with golden letters on the cover...

- The one that has beautiful hand-made paintings? I love that book, you know it...

- Yes... look for the spell under the painted key... it'll release me... hurry up...

- Ruby... Ruby! – The Sorceress has passed out. Fuck! I have to take her home. Koji comes in followed by some of his men, it didn't take them long to shake the soldiers off of their backs – Help me to get her out of here, I have to ride Deva back home.

Koji doesn't ask questions and grabs the iron bars hard with his hands, bending them even more with his vampire strength. He takes Ruby in his arms and runs out, I follow him with Lucifer while prince Nandi stays with his father. When I run through the door the vampire has already put my girl on the mare's rump and he helps me to climb behind her, Lucifer jumps to her lap and he sinks his claws in her mistress shirt to hold on to something while we ride at gallop.

- I'll wait for you here, now run...

- Thank you, my friend – I answer while digging my heels in the mare's sides. Despite she's exhausted, Deva makes her very best effort and almost flies along the path, in a straight line towards our home. It only takes a few minutes since we don't live far away but they seem an eternity while I hug my girl – Hang in there, babe, we're almost there.

Ruby is still unconscious when we arrive at our front door and she isn't very helpful when I try to go upstairs to our bedroom where her trunks are waiting so I drag her pulling her arms, sometimes making her levitate with little pulses of magical energy, while we hit the furniture and some delicate porcelain pieces drop to the floor. I don't care about them, to be honest. We arrive finally and I let her fall on the hardwood floor carelessly before rummaging frantically in her trunk looking for the damn book. Fortunately, it's a big volume and the golden letters shining make it stand out. I turn the pages, not worrying about the ones that I'm tearing... My girl is going to throw a fit when she sees them but she can fix them later. I find the painting I'm looking for finally: a gilded bronze key with filigree and below five lines in black ink written with the Sorceress neat handwriting.

- Hurry up... - I hear her whisper.

- All right... - I take a deep breath and read... - Fuck Ruby! This one's difficult.

- You can do it... I believe you can...

Okay, I don't have an answer to that. I take a deep breath again and focus on, reading slowly those five lines at least three times. Well, the truth is that it isn't that difficult but it entails the gathering of tons of energy, I've never dealt with so much power... Lucifer has jumped on the bed and is staring at me worried while the vampire extends her arms placing her handcuffed wrists before me on the carpet. She's becoming increasingly pale and shakes too much... she looks pretty bad. This makes me decide to act finally and I close my eyes focusing on my breathing, finding my inner energy and gathering around it all the new energy I'm able to find in my surroundings. I recite the words of the spell, whispering them three times. I reach soon the highest amount of energy I've ever gathered but I keep looking for more despite the fact I'm starting to feel the glass from the windows shaking and the wind swirls around me. I feel the palms of my hands hot, so much that I'm scared I can burn my skin but I keep focused on my goal. The hardwood floor is shaking under me but I don't know if it'll be enough... A few seconds later I decide that I need to do it right now, I won't be able to control more energy, so much power gathered inside me is scaring the hell out of me since I feel like a hurricane shaking my entire body... I open my eyes and focus on the handcuffs around Ruby's wrists and I throw towards them the enormous amount of energy with a powerful pulse.

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