Chapter 1

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April 19th, 1981, Sioux Falls.
Bobby's POV
It was a normal day so far I haven't heard from John for a while since him and Mary had little Dean. I hope things are still going well for them. Everything was going as usual until my phone started going off the hook. Grumpily I got up to grab it and was mad until I saw the caller Id. "What is it Ellen? You need me to come take care of more idjits in your bar?" I ask full of concern.
"No we're far. I think you should come down here, I got somethin' that belongs to ya." Ellen said back "oh and bring a nice car, with a good backseat" she adds in.

"Alright... you sure everything's ok?" I ask just making sure again no ones in danger.

"Just peachy. Now get your ass down here Singer!" She replied and hung up on me.

"Balls" I sigh and take off in my 'nice' truck that has a backseat. I have no idea what could be so urgent and would require me to have a backseat, but I don't want to get on Ellen's bad side cause I've been there before and it's not good. I make it to the roadhouse in record time, busting through the doors I find Ellen with her back to me. "Hey Ell, what was the big rush about?" I ask but as she turns around I can see the little baby in her arms.

"We got a lot to talk about Singer, she's yours by the way. You remember the chick you took home from here a couple months back, yeah well this one popped out today she was born at noon on the dot. Stupid bitch just dropped her on our step with a note for you we're just lucky she wasn't out there for too long or else I don't think she would of made it." Ellen finished. I couldn't even comprehend what just happened. I have a daughter. Karen wanted children but after she died I went all closed and mopey. This chick was the first after that and I managed to knock her up...of course. But this baby took my heart away she had the most beautiful eyes, a mix of grey and green and little specks of hazel in them. She had ever so little dark chestnut hair already starting to grow. She was falling asleep in Ellen's arms and I couldn't take my eyes off her.
"She's got your nose." Ellen chirps in looking at me, she slowly places her in my arms and I give her a worrying glance.
"Don't worry you ain't going to break her." Ellen cracked a smile as she turns around leaving me with the baby. "Oh and don't forget Singer, she needs a name." She adds going back to cleaning the rest of the bar up.  There's a lump in my throat as I stare down at her falling asleep peacefully in my arms, just at that moment I remembered something.

"Teresa." I croaked having tears cloud my eyes.

"What?" I hear Ellen whisper shout seeing baby Teresa sleeping in my arms.

"Before Karen died we decided on Teresa for a girl and Nathan for a boy. Her name is Teresa Karen Singer, Tess or Tessa for short." I smile looking down at her. "My little Tessie." I whisper.

"It's beautiful Bobby, she's beautiful." Ellen pats me on the shoulder and walks away just to come back with a car seat in her hands and a diaper bag ready. "I got you the essentials, things I know you didn't have. But I do know you've got a crib at home from the last time that damn Winchester was there so, make her a room and raise her the way you and Karen would. She's your daughter Bobby let her be with you." Ellen gave me a reassuring smile and helped me set up the car seat in the back of my truck, during the process Tessa woke up and started crying. Quickly placing her in the seat Ellen turned to me saying only this.
"Give her a good home, a good life Bobby, and just drive."
And I did just that, as soon as we started to drive away her cry's dyed down and when I looked back at her she was sound asleep. Good to know. Ellen's words kept floating around in my head the whole ride home though 'Give her a good home, a good life . . .' It got me thinkin' do I want her to know about the supernatural? Or do I want my baby girl to try and have a normal life? Weighing the options was hard but what I had agreed upon was even if she had tried to have a normal life, the supernatural would always bring her back into it. Boy do I know it. So she would grow up half and half, she'll get training in combat and read and learn about lore but also go to school and have a half normal life as a child. It hurts me so much to do this to her but I'd rather her be able to protect herself if anything were to happen then her being completely helpless. Soon we got back to the house seeing as she slept the whole way made it a quite easy drive, taking her into the house she started to fuss a bit opening her big grey eyes and staring up at me. She cracked a smile. A small smile that made my heart soar. I never knew I could love something this much but now I can see it's possible. I took her out of her seat moving over to her crib.
"Hey baby girl, I know this is not much but tomorrow we'll make this room all yours and get a couple toys and paint the walls Ok?" As I started to talk to her, her smile got wider and she took hold of my finger making gurgling noises and happy little squeaks. "I love you Tess. I just want you to know that no matter what I will always love you. But as of now let's get you fed and to bed little one!" After feeding her, changing her and rocking her for a bit she fell asleep again placing her in the crib I started to walk out the room stopping at the door frame looking back at her.
"Goodnight my little angel" I said with a chuckle and a smile on my face I made my way to my bed making sure to leave both doors open if she needs me.  Man this has been a crazy day, and is only going to get crazier as the years go on.

Thank you for reading. This is my first book so sorry for any spelling errors, please tell me if you find any! If you have any ideas for this story or any criticism again please tell me I would love to make a good story for you guys!
Peace out Idjits! 🤙✌️

Bobby's Daughter (Dean Winchester x OC) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now