~{ Chapter 16 }~

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(A/N: Oh my God I have over 2K reads)

Your POV

"ARE YOU SURE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE?" Papyrus asked once more, on his knees with his hands clasped on Frisk's paw. His eyes were sparkling with sadness. "BUT MONSTERS, WE WERE HAVING SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER!"

(Before you say anything, no. You're all perverts. Well, most of you.)

I somberly ruffled his hair, the strands of white getting tangled in my bones. I awkwardly untangled them, smiling. "Don't worry, Papyrus. We'll visit again. Besides, when we free the humans, we'll see you everyday."

"YOU REALLY MEAN IT?" His eyes shined, lip quivering.

"Of course, Pap," Frisk told him adamantly, hugging him tightly. "We're just going to Hotland and Asgore's home. Then we'll be right back to tell you that we're free."

He seemed to be cheered up by that, and hugged my sibling back. It warmed my heart to see them so close.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, Sans," I said, turning to the other human and awkwardly waving at him.

"i..." He turned his head. "i don't like goodbye. i'll see you later."

I felt myself leaning in to hug him, which I did. "Oh, typical Sans. I'll call you. Have a phone? I'll give you my number." I pulled away and took my phone out of my pocket, ready to exchange numbers with him.

Sans smiled a little, making my.... SOUL(?) flutter. Yeah, SOUL. He did the same and gave me his phone, taking mine.

Smirking, I inserted the name (Y/N)👌🏻the 👍🏻Skeleton and then added my number.

He was done as well, and gave mine back. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as I giggled, looking at what he put his contact as. He named himself Sansational💙Punmaster.

I gave him a high five and touched his cheek with my teeth, then took Frisk's arm. "Ready to go?" I asked, earning a nod from them.

"More than I'll ever be," they answered, taking the lead.

As I followed, I didn't see that Sans had his hand on his cheek and was smiling like a doof.

Waterfall was a breeze, seeing as Undyne wasn't chasing us around. For some reason I thought she was going to, like I was having a feeling of déjà vú at the moment. It wasn't small either, it was a complete tidal wave of memories that never even happened.

"Frisk?" I said, turning to look at them.


"Did you ever know what happened to Chara?" I inquired, curious. Maybe they knew what happened and didn't show too much grief, or really didn't know.

"She moved to a nice place and is living the good life," Frisk answered simply. So they sincerely didn't know.

"Frisk.... you were always innocent back then...." At that moment I made a decision. "Chara is dead, Frisk," I told them bluntly. "She fell into Mount Ebbot, tried to free the monsters, failed, and died because of it."

"Oh." After that they didn't say anything else. Either they began to contemplate some things, or didn't care.

We made it through Waterfall unharmed, well mostly. Frisk tripped over an echo flower and hurt themself. Other than that the monsters knew what we were here to do and what we had done so far so they left us alone.

Hotland was absolutely awful.

There was hot lava that terrified me, and even though I was a skeleton and couldn't feel the heat as much, I was still sweating somehow. Frisk had taken off their sweater to reveal a spaghetti-strap tank top with the same pattern.

All in all, I couldn't wait to get to Asgore's home.

We approached a large white lab. This was it. There was going to be a human in here, I could feel it.

Tibia Honest (Human! Sans x Skeleton! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now