It's a thought.

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Hi, uh I forgot to clarify something. The ages! Yeah okay let me just.

Nagisa (currently): 17

Karma (currently): 18

Asano (bc he's actually important to the story): 19

Karma in his memeories from childhood: 11-12 (same with Nagisa)

K im done

(Nagisas pov)

It's a nice thought to think that it's really you...

My old friend...

My...special person...

I think the both of you are...amazing...

Two people in one body, two personalitys, half and half. Both unique compared to eachother.

Both truly amazing people, with truly beautiful hearts.

But it seems you've got your eyes set on me being...him...But what if you're wrong? And I'm not your missing memory? What if you're not my missing memory?

Granted our memory's seem to match mor often than not. And we know things about eachother that neither of us ever told anyone. But I'll never belive you're him unless...

I heard a loud crash, immediately stopping my train of thought.

For a perhaps a minute or less, I lay beneath the covers, listening for another sound that signified danger.



The words sent shivers down my spine. The voice was slightly deeper than Karmas, the accent a little warped.
Definetly never heard that one before.

My curiosity got the best of me, as the crashing got louder...And louder...until it stopped.

By the time the obnoxious noises bad stopped, I was standing on the landing (top of the stairs).

The living room was at the bottom of the stairs, and to the left. So once the crashing, noise and shouting had stopped, I felt confident enough to start quietly heading down.

I quietly hopped down each step, being careful not to cause a noise.

One at the bottom, I leaned my neck in the door frame, and peered into the room.

I saw someone new. Orange hair, haunting purple eyes. His aura was almost as scary as Karmas (2).

Speaking of that red head.
I glanced around the room, only to notice him sprawled across the floor, at the orange boys feet.

"Remember what I said sweetie? I do as I please. It's not as if you don't get anything out of this." I watched as he leant down to Karma.

His face could only be described as distraught or fearful. His shaking body perhaps in pain, no definitely in pain.

I then noticed some jeans thrown over top of the couch, my deduction leading me to belive they were Karmas.

"Okay sweetie. I'm gonna go leave now. I have work, don't miss me to much!" He smiled happily, before turning to the door.

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin