Chapter 37

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(Smoke Screen's PoV)

We got back to the ship, which was almost fully repaired, and apparently Scarlett still wasn't allowed to leave the sick bay. She's probably really bored, I know I would be. I mean at least the last time she was asleep so she didn't have to be bored.

"It must stink to be cooped up in one room," I said.

"Yeah, but the important thing is that she's alright," Arcee said.

"Speaking of that, it's now certain that she'll make it," Ratchet said.

"And it wasn't certain before?" Bulk asked.

"It was likely she would make it but there was that chance, to be honest she was near death when we found her. I didn't think she was going to make it," Ratchet said.

"Well, luckily she did," Bee said.

"It should've been obvious she'd make it! This is Scarlett Flash we're talking about, she may not be a wrecker but she has the toughness of one," Bulk said.

'Well she's only that tough when she has to be,' I thought to myself. I wonder what Optimus would do right now. Would he have gone to talk to Megatron, or would he be focusing on the insecticons? Would he have stopped Knock Out from going after Star Scream, or would he have gone himself? I just feel like this isn't as bad as it's going to get. We lost Optimus and now we have one 'bot unable to help us in such a short time span. If Airachnid does attack we'll need all the help we can get, we can't afford to have a 'bot unable to fight.

"By the All Spark. . .," Ratchet said.

"What is it?" Arcee asked.

"Silver Speed's life signal. . .it came online for a split second and then went off. But it's back on again," Ratchet said. Whoa, Silver Speed? Ok, there has to be dark energon involved.

"What? That's not possible!" Bulk snapped.

"I fear it may be results of dark energon," Ratchet said.

"But who's doing it?" Arcee asked.

"Megatron made it clear the Decepticons were done so I don't think it's him," Bee said.

"Star Scream?" Bulk suggested.

"No way he made it," I said.

"Maybe. . .Airachnid," Arcee said. It was a long shot guess, but it was better than the others.

"How would she get dark energon?" Ratchet asked.

"Maybe she didn't. Maybe some insecticons sucked the energon out of the corpse, and the dark energon reanimated Silver Speed," I suggested and everyone fell silent.

"No one mention this to Scarlett. She already lost her partner once and losing it again, even if she knows it's not the real him anymore, is still going to hurt her," Bee said.

"I'm going to have to agree with you," Ratchet told Bee.

"Ok, Smoke Screen you and I will head out to see what's going on," Bee said I nodded as we were bridged near the location. We walked around, trying to find Silver Speed.

"Hey Bumble Bee, remember when I told you I heard Knock Out mumbling to himself when he headed to find Star Scream?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Bee asked.

"Well, I don't know if Knock Out will be mad we didn't tell him about this. Unless it is just dark energon, then he probably won't be as mad. . .mainly because he won't have to know,"

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