Chapter 7

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(Scarlett's PoV)

"Wow Breakdown gives you access to another vehicle mode and you repay him by giving him a beating, you are so nice," Knock Out laughed.

"Well it'd be rude not to give him something in return," I laughed back and then the last few cars pulled up. One of the last cars pulled up next to Knock Out and started to say something about how Knock Out's model was, as this human put it, 'too pretty'. Then this human did one of the STUPIDEST things possible! He scratched Knock Out's paint, oh scrap.

"Big mistake," Knock Out muttered to himself.

"Well I'm glad I'm not that guy," I whispered to my self as the race started. I raced ahead of everybody else, and to my surprise, Knock Out was no where near the lead.

'Why do I have a feeling Knock Out is up to something right now?' I thought to myself but soon shook the thoughts aside. A few cars got close to me and tried to knock me off the road but retaliation was very easy. As I sped up I crossed the finish line and it felt awesome! The adrenalin, the exictement, and the speed. I was getting ready to head back to where I had hid the energon but then Knock Out pulled up to where I was.

"I can not believe you beat me," he snapped sarcastically.

"Hey don't blame me for the fact that you're just too slow," I joked.

"I am not slow!" he snapped.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. You're only slow when something happens to your 'precious' paintwork," I said sarcastically and with a laugh.

"You are incredibly annoying, and paintwork is not something to joke about!" Knock Out snapped at me.

(Knock Out's PoV)

I can't believe that Flash does not understand how important paintwork is! Why is it so hard to find someone who actually cares about paintwork these days.

"Thanks, I try," she said sarcastically. Then an intresting thought came to me.

'Should I tell her Megatron's alive? There's no way she could possibly know, and she probably thinks he's dead. But how would she react when I told her? I mean if I tell her, wait. . .if she finds out he's alive she's going to know I didn't tell her when I had the chance and she will have no mercy on my paintwork. Yeah, I am defiantly telling her!' I thought to myself.

"So if you're done being annoying, I have some news you might like to hear or you might not," I said with only a hint of seriousness in my tone.

"Why so serious all of a sudden?" she joked but I could tell she was actually somewhat worried.

"Well. . .Megatron is alive, not in the best shape, but alive," I told her.


"It was most likely due to the dark energon in him, although thre wasn't any in him when he was found," I explained.

"Well. . .," Flash began but stopped herself.

"What?" I asked.

"Who found his body?" she asked and I was surprised to see how much she seemed to care.

"Star Scream, why?" I asked.

"Everyone knows that Star Scream is power hungry, and he wants to be ruler of Decepticons. If Megatron had dark energon in him then he could survive that blast, Star Scream knows that. If Star Scream had a way to take the dark energon out of Megatron he would not hesitate to do it. Although there's no proof, I'm willing to bet Star Scream has done that or at least something," Flash said and she sounded angry almost, but at the same time a hint of sadness in her voice but she hid it well.

"That would make sense," I said in a surprised tone.

"So how close is he to death?" she asked and the question kind of took me by surprised.

"He's been hooked up to life support for a while now, and he is in a sleep like death right now. Speaking of which I should be getting back to that," I told her as I drove off.

(Scarlett's PoV)

Oh my Primus, Megatron is alive!! I. . .I just. . .I mean I know how. . .but. . .how?!?! What if Knock Out was just lying to mess with me? No, he may be a Decepticon but he wouldn't lie about something like that. I quickly headed to where I hid the energon and back to base. I tried to stop thinking about Megatron but how could I? When I arrived back at base Optimus imediatly knew something was troubling me. I don't get Optimus. It's like you look at him for a second and he just says 'What happened?'. He just kind of knows that somethings off, but I don't know how! I do that sometimes too, though. Ratchet was working on something that aI was to lazt to go over and ctually see what it was, but when Optimus walked over to me I knew what conversation was about to go down.

"Sarlett what happened on your energon scout?" Optimus asked.

"Well. . . .I ran into a Decepticon," I said awkwardly and Optimus could tell by my tone that it was one of my friends before the war. Ratchet gave me a look then quickly looked back to make it seem like he hadn't heard a thing.

"Was it Knock Out?" Optimus whispered sense he apparently noticed Ratchet had heard. Ratchet knew I had Decepticon friends before the war but he never knew who.

"Yes, it was," I told him. He simply nodded as he walked back to where he had been before. I was glad he didn't ask anymore about it, but I wasn't sure if I should tell him about Megatron. I wasn't sure how he'd react if I told him, and he would probably ask where I was when I ran into him because lying to Optimus is fragging impossible. Hopefully none of the team would find out I was street racing. If they found out I would probably have no chance at redemption.

The next day. . .

So while Arcee was out on one of her routine missions with Jack, I got to go with Bee to check out a large energon deposit that Decepticon's had been moving. As we drove down the road, and I was using my new vehicle mode, a small thought came to me.

'Should I tell Bee that Megatron is my father? Right now is probably a good time sense no one else is with us, but how will he react? Well I might as well do it now to get it over with,' I thought to myself.

(Bumble Bee's PoV)

I could tell something was off with Scarlett, and I really wanted to know why.

"Scarlett you've been acting kinda strange for a while now, what's going on?" I asked her and she sighed.

"Ok, I'll tell you but you can not tell the others!"

"I won't tell," I told her.

"Well. . .I've been hiding this ever sense the war began really. The only ones who already know are Optimus, Ratchet, and the kids. I'm planning on telling Arcee and Bulk but not yet. . . So, uh, Megatron. . .is. . .um. . .my father," she said.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

"I know, I know! But it's true! I would've told everyone sooner but back on Cybertron most 'bits who knew didn't trust me, and I figured everyone here would still trust me but I was too nervous!" she exclaimed.

"That's why you sounded so desperate for help when you ran into him, wasn't it? It wasn't just for the fact you had no back up, but it was because he was your dad," I said.

"Basically, I know he would probably never change his view of things in this war but I can't help but wonder if there is," she explained.

"Is that why you seemed tense on the day we destroyed the space bridge? Sense Megatron's spark was. . .you know," I asked.

"Yeah," she said as we continued to the energon deposit. We arrived back at base a few hours later with some more energon. Arcee was back and he explained what happened to her because of Arachnid.

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