Chapter 11

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(Scarlett's PoV)

Why would Megatron do this? I know he's evil and cruel but it seems like with each passing minute hs mind is consumed with more ways to be cruel! I felt like breaking something in anger, but I really didn't need RAtchet yelling at me especially with Raff being like this. Soon Nurse Darby arrived, and Bee got angry and smashed part of the wall. Arcee pinned him against the wall.

"Bee, you need to calm down! You think I don't know what's like to watch a partner. . .harmed. Revenge won't help Raff right now, you need to keep your emotions in check!" Arcee told him as she let him go.

"Trust me Bee, I've watched a partner be harmed and everything in you will want revenge, but if you do get it, what would Raff think of that?" I told Bee and he merely starred at Raff who looked worse than before. Then Ratchet figured something out.

"I'm not getting any readings, how could I have not seen this before. Raffiel has been injected with dark energon," Ratchet said. Hopefuly his idea of normal energon counteracting the dark energon would work. Bulk had gotten back from the 'con's ship and said Optimus said he had to do something on his own (and it probably involved Megatron). Then, Raff began to wake up as the energon flowed inside him.

"Bee?" Raff said.

"Optimus, we did it," Ratchet said.

"Wait, Bulk you let Optimus face Megatron alone?!" Arcee snapped.

"I didn't have a choice!" Bulk exclaimed.

"It could've been a trap, we need to get a fix on his corodinates," Ratchet said. "I've locked onto his signal wait, how is this possible?" Ratchet asked himself.

"What? What is it?!" I exclaimed.

"We need to get Optimus out of there, NOW!" Ratchet exclaimed. We opened a ground bridge, Bulk raced through first, and then me and Arcee went. Bulk was dealing with Megatron, and then I saw. . .dark energon errupting from the Earth. . .WHAT?!

"We need to pull him through!" Ratchet exclaimed as we helped Optimus. We reached the ground bridge and needed to go.

"Bulk! NOW, NOW, NOW!" Arcee yelled as ulk quickly transformed and escaped Megatron's grasp. Back at the base Optimus was glad to see Raff was ok.

"The 'cons found more of thedark stuff?" Jack asked.

"A whole volcano full," I said. Then we had to explain to te kids who Unicron was, we have to explain so much to these kids. Basically he was a bringer of destruction who's blood was dark energon as legend has it, so that's the short version of who he is. Then Nurse Darby demanded that the kids no longer stay here, Miko obviously refused to go, and Jack actually refusd to go as well. Sadly, Raff did not have a choice, and we watched them leave. I hadn't seen Bee this upset in a while, well at least this sad, I've seen him extremely angry recently, but not sad. Then Fouler called again explaining the weather disasters due to the dark energon. Great, this day just keeps getting better and better. Bee soon left to go check on Raff and Nurse Darby. When they got back we were all relieved to see they were ok. The Fouler arrived and we told him what we learned. We saw that the earthquakes were happening at Earth's core in a consistant pattern. Ratchet had a look of realization on hisface as he converted it to audio files. As we listened to the pattern it sounded like a sparkbeat, or as the humans called it a heartbeat.

"Hold on, does that mean somethings living down ther? Inside the planet?!" Miko exclaimed.

"I fear that the magma inside your Earth is not magma like your scientists thought, but rather, dark energon," Optimus explained. Then he explained the story behind Unicron and Primus. Then we learned that Unicron was the Earth itself. OH, this was not good. If he woke up. . .then Earth would be destoyed. I think, maybe, I have no idea! Soon Optimus left to check out the area near that volcano.

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