Chapter 10

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(Scarlett's PoV)

I couldn't believe it, Star Scream did it. He killed Cliff Jumper.

"Cliff Jumper?! No you misunderstand, I was trying to put him out of his misery! He begged me to!" Star Scream exclaimed.

"Liar," I snapped as Arcee hit him. Arcee gave him the key and told him to open the cuffs. "Arcee don't," I said to her as I pulled her back.

"Scarlett let me do this," she snapped at me as she went to pick up the key. When she picked it up Star Scream attacked.

"OK THAT'S IT!" I snapped as Arcee took a few steps back in shock. I shot a few blasts at Star Scream and caused him to fall back. "Arcee, you ok?" I asked her, refusing to take my eyes off Star Scream.

"F-Fine," Arcee said. I turned my back to check on Arcee, which was a mistake. Star Scream struck me and I fell back. After a fight between the two I tried to interfere more but Star Scream just shot me back. Arcee was going to finish him, but she stopped herself when she saw Bee. As she got off I struggled to stand. Bee slid down toward me.

"Scarlett, what happened?" he asked me.

"I'll explain. . .later. . .but go t-to Arcee first. . .she n-n. . .needs more help than me," I told him and he went down to aid her. Back at the base, Arcee and I were fixed up.

"Scarlett, I'm sorry for getting you into that," Arcee said.

"It's ok, really," I told her.

"You sure?" she asked.

"Positive," I told her.

"Well it's good to know you forgive me," Arcee said with a laugh.

"Of course I forgive you, we are friends after all. I trust you," I said.

"I trust you too," Arcee said.

"Well. . . How much do you trust me?" I asked. The others gave me a look because they knew where this was going to go.

"I trust you just as much as any of the others, why?" she asked.

"Well. . .," I began and then told her my secret.

"HE'S YOUR WHAT!?!" Arcee exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's the answer I was expecting," I said awkwardly and then continued to explained why I had kept it a secret for so long.

"Well, I can't blame you for hiding it," she told me.

"Now that everyone here knows of Scarett's secret, I expect them to trust her no less. Although I know none of you do trust her any less," Optimus said.

Wait, is that why she was acting a little weird when we all thought Megatron was dead?" Bulk asked.

"Uh. . .yeah," I told him awkwardly. The next day came and I went off with Optimus, Bee, Bulk, and Arcee to try to get an energon cube. Arcee wouldn't listen, and went in on her own. ptimus and Ratchet tried to reaso with her but it was pointless.

"Arcee, you need to get out of there now! We can't have any one else get hurt, we don't have the energon for it!" I snaped through the com link. When we finally managed to get to her we saw Ratchet giving the 'cons a pretty good beating. As we got back to base Ratchet explaied that he injected himself with snythenergon. Optimus was annoyed that Ratchet tested it on himself. Then there was a bang.

"What the scrap?!" I yelled.

"What was that?" Arcee asked as we rounded the corner to see Bulk crashed through the wall. Ratchet ws acting different now that he took that new energon, and I didn't like it. Something was off, and Optimus was seeing it too. Ratchet insisted that he come with us to the energon vein the 'cons found instead of Bee coming. Then he just drove down without any stealth or anything. The rest of us ran down and fought the others. As we finished them off we heard cries of terror. When we ran up to the top of the ravine we had been in we saw Ratchet burning off part of a 'cons face!! Optimus was angry, we don't do that kind of thing unless we hae too! It's the main difference between Autobots and Decepticons! Then Ratchet said he now knew the location of Megatron, and where a fresh supply of energon was, but it didn't matter because of the way he got it!

"Come on Ratchet, calm down," Bulk told him.

"Calm, is th last thing we need! Calm is the thing that lost us Cybertron! The 'cons have a warship, an army!" Ratchet yelled as he continued to say stuff about how Megatron was planning something wth all this energon and we needed to be hitting him hard now.

"RAtchet, a dirrect attack would only encourage retaliation. I will not endanger any human lives," Optimus said.

"Yet you have no problem risking ours! We've lost 'bots Optimus! Just ask Cliff Jumper, oh wait you can't! He couldn't be here today!" Ratchet snapped.

"That's it!" Arcee yelled as Bulk held her back.

"Ratchet, if you just try to calm down this won't be any harder than it alread is. Trust me," I told him.

"Trust you? How can we trust you when it's YOUR fault that Silver Streak is dead! And as if that wasn't enough, you're Megatron's daughter! You're nothing more than a Decepticon waiting to happen! Silver Streak knows that but he can't back me up because he's not here either!" Ratchet yelled at me. I turned my back and walked away.

"Scarlett, where are you going?" Optimus asked.

"Back to Base," I told him as I transformed intomy motorcycle vehicle mode. As I sped up I talked into the com. "Bee, I'm gonna need a bridge," I told him and he soon opened one. Back at base I told Bee what hapened. Then Bee opened the bridge for the others but as RAtchet came through, he quickly went racing back. We couldn't find his signal due to the synthenergon. After what felt like forever hi signal popped back up. We quickly headed out, and the few 'cons we dealt with weren't to bad. We soon found Ratchet, and a quickly fleeing Knock Out. Back at the base when Ratchet woke up he apologized for what he had done.

"Scarlett, I'm sorry for-," he began but I cut him off.

"It's fine I know it wasn't you, it was the snythenergon," I told him.

The next day. . .

We learned of a prophecy that would not be good for Earth, but some probably believed the prophecy referred to them alone. Like. . .you know. . .Decepticons. . .rulers of Decepticons. Oh, this will not be good. The prophecy was a little complicated but questioning things sometimes results in an answer that's more confusing than the thing you originally asked about. While we were at the base the kids had found a picture of Bee on a website and they replaced the picture with an animal they kids called a cat and it actually got Ratchet to laugh. It was pretty funny but also incredibly awkward at the same time. The kids asked Optimus if he wanted to see something funny and when he said no we explained that Primes were built that way. To keep their emotions in check, which is something I sometimes have trouble doing. We also got to explain that Optimus wasn't always a prime. Then Fouler called and showed us that Sound Wave had stolen something and Ratchet explained that it looked like they were building another space bridge. Soon we were headed to another place the 'cons hd been stealing materials from. There were many more than expexted, this wasn't going to be easy, of course it never was. I fired shot after shot, knocking down 'cons. One came up behind Arcee, but I had her back. Then, of course, Megatron arrived. He didn't say anything, or look at me he just talked to Optimus. We were interupted by Bee who held Raff, and Raff looked awful.

"Raff, he's breathing, barely," Arcee said as Bee walked over to us, and she took him.

"It seems I've swated a bee, and squashed a bug," Megatron said with a sly grin.

"Bee, no!" Bulk said as he held Bee back. Anger washed over me, and Arcee saw.

"Scarlet, don't," she whispered. For some reason I listened, although every thing in me was telling me to let the anger out. Optimus gave me a look, knowing the anger that was inside of me, and Megatron gave me a look. The sly grin vanished off his face but only for a second.

"Ratchet, bridge us back now," Optimus said through the comm. "Arcee, Scarlett, attend to Raffiel. . .and Bumble Bee," he continued as we walked through the bridge behind us.

"Raff!?" Jack exclaimed.

"No!" Miko exclaimed as well.

"What happened?" Ratchet asked.

"Megatron," I answered with hate in my voice. Soon Jack was calling his mother, and we were lucky that she was a nurse.

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