I don't exactly know who this guy is, but I felt bad for him, which is something I probably shouldn't do. He looked like he was about to kidnap me, but hearing him out just made me think the opposite.

"I- I just want to feel it, once again. I miss her. " He looked down to his feet.

I stood there, not knowing what to do. I mean, what would you do if suddenly, a guy came up to you and ask you a really weird favor? It's either this guy is a really great actor or he was actually desperate for help. A really weird one, to be precise.

I gulped as I looked at the weak figure standing in front of me. I noticed his grip started to loosen and he sighed as if he knew what my answer was going to be.

"Help what?" I spoke up.

His head shot up in surprise by my sudden question. I don't know
what got in to me. Call me stupid for trusting a guy this weird that easily, but I am weird and what if he actually needs help?

Wasting no time, with his other hand he lowered his mask and I could finally see his face clearer. Wow, he has great features. His nose and lips were put at the right place. His eyes accompanying it makes it 10 times better. Not bad.

"Help me to break my heart. At all cost." He answered, voice a little clearer without the mask.

Three words. What the heck?

Is this guy mental? Is he okay? There are a lot of reasons why I'm asking those questions. Firstly, he came up to me, dressing like a kidnapper. Secondly, he took my wrist like he was about to tie it up, thirdly, he asks me to do a favor, fourthly, and that favor was apparently breaking his heart?

It's not just weird, it's confusing. He really has the guts to aska stranger to do that. Is he drunk right now? My head still can't wrap up of this weirdness.

"Why would you want that?" My eyebrows furrowed at the question that supposedly had many answers.

"Heartbreak only makes you feel stressed, depressed, not even wanting to live. And here I am, being asked to help someone to break their heart. Hell no!" I cried as I took the opportunity of his loose hands to free my wrist.

How coincidental. He's asking a person to break his heart, while apparently that person had her heart broken already. How can I break another's heart when I, myself was broken?

"Please," He begged and I wished I didn't look at those eyes.

"I need to feel it. I miss her. The only way is heartbreak" He said so desperately as he had no chances in living anymore.

I could only stare again at his weak figure, shivering and shaking. His voice sounded desperate. Maybe even too desperate. His eyes started growing tears, which made me shocked but feel bad.

"I- I still don't understand" I responded while biting my lip.

I feel if I deny him, but If I help him, I wouldn't even know how and everyday I'll just ask myself 'why?'. This agreement could probably be the next chapter of myself or my biggest regret.

"Just help me. Please... " His voice cracked at the last word.

Is he really that desperate for a heartbreak? Is that what he really wants? I gulped.

"Why me? Why would you pick a random girl from the street?" I asked him calmly.

That's a thing I need to ask. He must have had a reason as to why he dared to choose me.

"When I first saw you, I knew you had been through heartbreak or pain before." He started off looking at me while I just raised my eyebrows.

That was infact, true. I did have heartbreak, but just how did he know that?

Heartbroken- Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now