JJP meets Markson

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Yugyeom wasn't a bad kid. Sometimes he acted like a brat and was very loud at home but he never had problems at school. None of his teachers complained about him. His classmates described him as quiet and shy at first and that's why he didn't have many friends. Most of the time he was hanging with his older brother and his friends. Yugyeom didn't like like going to school and this wasn't very good for his grades but as long as he wasn't failing any of his classes, his parents didn't have problem with that.

One afternoon Jaebeom got a call from his sons' school, being informed that one of them has got into a fight and he had to go to the school to get the boy and have a talk. The father thought that it was because of Youngjae. The older was getting into some rebellious teen phase and caused a lot of trouble at school. Nothing as big as a fight but Jaebeom assumed it was him. Jinyoung normally was the one to go at this kind of meetings but now he was busy filming a drama so the other was the one in charge.

It took around fifteen minutes with car to get to the school building. As Jaebeom went through the door he was met with long hall. It remained of hospital or some cheap horror movie to the man as almost all the classes have finished so the light was dim and there was string smell of chlorine. At the end of the hall Jaebeom turned left into a new hall where a short middle-aged woman greeted him.

- Ah, hello Mr. Lim. I'm Yugyeom's math teacher, Mrs. Lee. I'm sorry that I've bothered you and probably scared you but I've never seen Yugyeom like that. He's not the best student but he's a good child. Don't be hard on him. He's very worried.

As the woman introduced herself Jaebeom bowed and continued to listen to her. However, he wasn't expecting to hear his younger's son name and his mind literally became blank.

-Yugyeom? And not Youngjae?

- Oh, no sir. Not to say a big word but Youngjae is calmer these days. I think he has a girlfriend or at least is interested in a girl from Yugyeom's class and he tries to impress her.

Jaebeom was speechless so he just nodded. Apparently he didn't know what's going with his children. The teacher invited him in the classroom to have a talk. The first thing he saw was Yugyeom. The boy was with lowed head and his bowl like hairstyle hided his eyes so the the father couldn't tell if the was crying or just too ashamed to look up. Next to him there was a slightly shorter boy who was talking something to catch the other's attention but it wasn't working. Two men sat on the opposite side of the teacher's bureau who Jaebeom decided were the boy's parents. They introduced themselves but Yugyeom's parent didn't miss their pronunciation. The blond one, who caught Jaebeom's attention more, was Mark and the black haired went by Jackson.

The teacher started talking and explaining what she knew and what she saw that may caused the fight between the two classmates. The other boy was just transferred to this school from Thailand a few days ago and the two became close as soon as they met. The teacher even assumed they knew each other through internet. But today they had an argument and Yugyeom even slapped the boy whose name Jaebeom caught to be Kunpimook but they all called him Bambam.

- Yugyeomie, why did you hit your friend? Did he do something to provoke you? Bambam, what did you do, you brat?!

Jackson asked softly the shy boy, raising his voice before he turned to ask his son too.

- I'm innocent! I just..

- No! He did nothing! It's my fault. I was angry and Bam annoyed me and I think that made me snap. I'm sorry it won't happen again and, Bam, I'm sorry if I hurt you. I didn't mean it.

After a bit more everything between the two boys was set. The high schoolers rushed out of the room as soon as the meeting was over. Jackson also followed them because he had to go to work and Jaebeom and Mark left walking slowly down the hall to the exit.

- I think Bambam likes Yugyeom. But, you know, not only like but like like. I hope it's not a problem for you to accept Yugyeom like that. He's too young and may be confused. You should talk to him. Don't left him. My parents left me because of Jackson and it hurt me so much. Don't left Yugyeom. He'll need you the most soon.

The two men went out and continued to walk. Their sons were sitting on a bench near the gate. They were watching something on Yugyeom's phone and were laughing. Jaebeom suddenly stopped and turned to the other.

- I understand you. My husband's parents weren't better too. But don't worry. I know better than that. I hope we could meet again soon and have a talk. We know for a few time now but I already feel you like a friend.

The two men laughed and continued their walk to where their children were. Soon they went different ways and Jaebeom and Yugyeom got on the car. The drive was quiet except for the radio that was playing. The father was focused on the road but he could feel how tensed his son was.

- Gyeom-ah? Do you want to tell me something?

- Bambam kissed me and I hit him because I may like him.

They both laughed at the answer.

- But he's also so annoying and loud.

- Sounds familiar to me.

Jaebeom teased and Yugyeom snorted, rolling his eyes at his father's answer.

- Anyway, papa Nyeongie and I support you whatever you decide, okay?

- Thanks, dad. I appreciate it. You and papa are amazing! The best JJ Parents!



THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS!!❤️❤️ I finally finished it, yay!!! I really hope you liked it. I have a lot of new ideas for more fanfics but I'm too busy right now to start any of them but I hope I can soon. Thank you for all the support. It means the world to me!! I love y'all!!❤️❤️ Stay tuned for more soon!

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