14th February

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It's been a while since Jinyoung and Jaebeom were alone. Not that they complained. It was nice and quiet since baby Youngjae was with his grandparents for the weekend.

It was 14th of February. Actually their first one they spent as a married couple. It wasn't anything special for them. They didn't believe that they have to show affection and love only on this day. They loved and spoiled each other everyday. Random hugs and kisses were something that they exchanged a lot.

The couple were sitting on the opposite sides of the couch. Jinyoung was reading another of the books Jaebeom have recommended him while the older was on his phone.

- I love you.

These three words filled the quiet room and Jaebeom felt like his heart skip a beat. It wasn't the first time he heard them, but every time he did, he felt like he was falling again and again in love with his Jinyoung.

A bright smile appeared on the older's face. He placed his phone on the table, leaned to Jinyoung removing the book from the other's hands, putting it on the floor and lying on the top of his husband, head on his chest or more specifically on his heart, arms wrapping around his waist. At first, when Jaebeom took the book from Jinyoung, a pout formed on the younger boy's lips but as soon as Jaebeom was lying on top of him he smiled and by instinct he placed his hands on the other's hair, brushing it with his fingers.

He loved it. His lovers hair was so soft under his touch and it calmed him.They felt save in each other's arms, far from the world and its worries for a while. The past few months, after Youngjae's birth, both were busy working and looking after their child. They sincerely craved for a rest. Just the two of them. In each other's arms just like that.

- My everything, I love you more. You know.

A giggle left the other's lips. It was common for them to argue about who loves the other more so Jinyoung didn't bother to answer back.

Jaebeom lifted his head, placing his chin on the younger's chest so he can look at him. He sweared that Jinyoung was the most beautiful human he have ever seen and admiring him was like a hobby of his. On other hand Jinyoung kind of liked the attention he got. As an actor he was used to the attention he received when he was on stage. But of course it was different when it comes to Jaebeom.

The older wasn't satisfied with the position they were so he got up only to sat back on his husband's lap, smile never leaving his face. Jinyoung, on his turn, pulled the older closer by his hips, leaning his forehead on Jaebeom's. This caught Jaebeom off guard which made him close his eyes and slightly open his mouth.

It was Jinyoung's turn to admire the other now. According to him, the older was the definition of handsome. One look at his features could leave everyone breathless. Once Jinyoung have told him that his face was flawless which lead to a fight because of Jaebeom's stubbornness but Jinyoung was no less stubborn. The fight was so serious that the two of them didn't talk for more than a week. At the end the older was the one to apologize not only for this but also for the scene he did in the shopping mall after he saw Jinyoung and his sister there.

This memory was easy left behind when Jaebeom tried to kiss the younger. It was an innocent peck even though they both burned with desire. But Jinyoung didn't want to make the things heated just yet. He enjoyed every second teasing his husband who of course had other plans so he left the younger's  lips and continued leaving kisses now on his jaw to his neck. The younger immediately moved his hands to Jaebeom's hair, pulling him off his neck.

- Nyeongie, I love you.

- I know, but we're not doing it on the couch.

Jaebeom rolled his eyes but waisted no time getting up from his husband's lap and dragging him to their shared bedroom so they could continue.


- Oh, shit...

Even though it left Jaebeom's lips as quiet as a whisper Jinyoung momentarily jerked his head up from the comfortable cushion he was lying on.

- What is it?

- The condom broke while we had sex.

Jinyoung stared at his husband. Something between shock and confusion was written on his face. He didn't really minded being pregnant again or having another child but he had a very important role for the next play that didn't allow him to gain any weight and also he was most scared that he couldn't look after two babies when he hardly was able to cope with one, nor that he could go through another pregnancy so soon.

- Jinyoung, I'm sorry. I didn't knew..

- It's okay. It's not like I'm automatically pregnant. We'll wait and see but it's almost impossible so anyway.

Jaebeom sighed. Again, he felt like he ruined Jinyoung's life and he hated himself more now.
A pair of warm arms wrapped around his shoulders. These arms immediately mixed up the older's thoughts and the bare chest pressing to his back wasn't helping him much either.

- Jaebeomie...

The younger moaned in the said man's ear managing to place sloppy kisses on his neck.

- ...make love to me.

These words were all that he needed to blur his thoughts and to get him fall into the warm touch of Jinyoung's fingers going from his chest down to his abs and even lower, leaving him a moaning mess.


1K!!! Omg thank you so much!! You are honestly amazing!! Here my favorite and first written chapter of this fanfic. It happens to be my present for the 1k readers(?). Thank you so much from your support!! All the love lovelies.xxx


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