First meet

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Jinyoung was scared.  But it was understanding. The theater hall was full.  The tickets for the play sold out for a few days. Even the extra seats were sold out. Three months before the play. But this was far from the things that worried the boy. It was his role. He have played on the same stage before. All different small roles. But this time he was in the main role. He prepared a lot for today's play but that didn't mean something can go wrong. And if this happened his parents would be disappointed that the dropped studying law for acting and his whole life would be waisted.

The boy was really to go on the stage. The play was about to start in any minute and he needed to calm down. His colleagues were chit chatting around him and that helped him a little to collect his mind.

- Don't move, please.

Jinyoung recognized the voice. It belonged to the one and only Lim Jaebeom. He was a photography student. They have never met officially but Jinyoung have heard a lot about him. Jaebeom and his beauty were a common topic to discuss for the girls. It was true, the boy was handsome but Jinyoung never understood their squeaks and giggles when he passed near them.

Jinyoung didn't move so he couldn't see what the other was doing but he could hear a camera taking shots and he assumed it was of him. He stayed unbothered for a few more minutes before the other thanked him.

- Why did you take photos of me? Aren't there actors with better makeup and costumes?

- It wasn't because of the costume or the makeup. I took photos of things and people I find beautiful. And you are. Without the costume and the makeup.

Jinyoung was scanning the other's face while the other tried not to make an eye contact. Jaebeom was internally screaming. He wasn't supposed to say this out loud. He had to excuse with something like "Oh, I'm just taking photos of the actors for a project" but he couldn't control himself around Jinyoung. He felt like a teenage girl fangirling about her favorite artist. But he felt more embarrassed because he was actually in front of Jinyoung and have already told him all this.

- Then I guess you took a lot of photos of yourself.

Jaebeom didn't understand the words at first. He was too busy digging his imaginary grave that he didn't realize Jinyoung complimented him. It took him a lot to processed that the other have even told him something.

Jinyoung, on other hand found the scene in front of him amusing. He never knew the Lim Jaebeom every girl was crazy can so easily forget how to be cool. But he didn't have enough time to enjoy the others suffering before he was pushed on the stage.


A loud applause filled the hall. It all went well for Jinyoung. He did his best and the public was also responsible to all his actions. Was is with a gasps or a quiet laughter it was enough for the boy. After the play ended there were still a few people that congratulated him for his hard work and some of them even asked for an autograph.

When he went backstage he saw his parents. They congratulated him as well for his well work. It was like a ritual going to a bar after a play but Jinyoung wasn't very into parties so instead going with his colleagues he have decided to spend his time with his parents at home. He went fast to change his clothes and remove all makeup he had on his face. After he was really he went to the emergency exit so he could pass the stairs but when he opened the door, it hit someone. Jinyoung immediately tried to help the man he hit with the door just to find out it was Jaebeom.

- I'm so sorry. I wasn't expecting that there would be someone. Are you okay? Did I hit you hard?

Jaebeom nodded.

-Yes? Oh god, I'm so sorry I-

-No, I meant no. Don't worry. I'm not supposed to be there anyway.

- Then what are you doing here?

- Isn't it obvious? I'm falling for you. Or maybe the door. Not really sure.

This corny joke made Jinyoung laugh. He laughed so hard that he found it hard to breathe and was now sitting on the ground next to Jaebeom who was enjoying every second of the younger's laugh. When he calmed down he got up and helped the other too, still apologizing that he hit him with the door.

- Are you sure you don't need to go to hospital? My car is there I can-

- Nah, I'm perfectly fine. But actually when I think about I need something before you go.

-What is it?

- Your number.

Jinyoung laugh again but also got the phone from the other's hands, entering his number and saving the new contact by the name "Nyeongie <3". Very satisfied with his joke he returned the phone to its owner and smiled.

- I hope we could see soon again.

- I'll be waiting.


So this is the first chapter yay! It's not the best but I tried okay? It's again 3am when I'm writing this and it may have more mistakes. Hope that it's not that bad. I would really appreciate if someone is actually reading this and also is possible please leave some sign so I could know what you think. See you soon. All the love.xx

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