2| She Is Love

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Dedicated to ShivamAyush1469 in the hope that one day my good friend will become the greatest doctor.
Wish you success and support.


Eugene's point of view

I kept staring there with my mouth a bit open.....wondering if something like that even existed....so beautiful...so pure.

Standing on the platform in the winds and rain blowing....the dark clouds dominating the skies ....stood the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

Not at all bothered about the rains and winds like me she was standing a few feets away from the railway line with her hand on her luggage trolley and the other holding some papers and a book...her eyes closed and experiencing the wind and rain drops on her beautiful face.

She opened her eyes and left me dazzled at her beauty, innocence and purity.

Her long blondish -brown hair were flying in the direction on the wind and she stood with her hands on her trolley and her eyes closed as she felt the rain on her face and the wind blow her hair.

She opened her eyes and turned around for a second to where I was standing and she dazzled me with her beautiful emerald orbs which were shining like jewels.....she had a small smile on her face and she turned away quickly.

Those green orbs....I have seen them somewhere....they look familiar.

I instantly wanted to know her more....I don't know why but I felt a bit pulled towards her...like she was meant for me and I was meant for her...but is it possible at first sight?

And I don't even know her.

' just shut up Eugene and go and talk to her or get to know her...you never know when your luck might click' my conscience told me and I rolled my eyes.

' sure you know right that I am the luckiest person considering me escape in Afghanistan' I told my brain sarcastically.

' no comments there but you are right man' my conscience replied.

Yeah I sometimes talk to myself....don't judge guys...I won't care also as I'm a bit occupied looking at the beautiful lady in front of me...

She somehow seemed a bit familiar....do I know her?

I felt an unusual pull towards her... without thinking I started rolling my trolley towards her.

Just as I was a foot away from the lady a strong wind blew and the rain started showering even harder on the platform roof.

Due to the strong wind the papers the lady was holding flew to where I was standing and some even hit my face.

She turned quickly...her long, beautiful hair spinning with her...she had wide eyes as she followed the papers flying.

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