1| Something About Eugene

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Dedicated to my bestest friend and supporter

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Dedicated to my bestest friend and supporter.


Eugene's point of view

The wind was howling....this was the heavy dust and thunderstorm that California was experiencing currently.

There had been some occasions where it was raining and the weather was windy without notice...

Maybe the changing weather was responsible for such untimely rains.

But as the saying goes....soilders are never off duty...they protect the country in all conditions....whether it is wind, rain ,heat or ice.....a soilders is never off duty.

I am Eugene Theo Grayson and I am 28 years old. I am the major general in the united states army.

I know it's a big post for such a young age but believe me I have worked very hard to achieve it.

I have shining blue eyes and nice black-brown hair.....my height is 6'2 and I have a well built, muscular body....well it's all due to the army training....I like an adventurous and sporty life and I have never thought of settling in.

All the relationships which I had in the past were total fiascos...all of the girls I dated were only after my good looks and my father's money....yes he was very rich....they never valued me for myself....in short terms all were gold diggers...so I gave up my attempts after two or three times....it too much worth the time and effort.

The only girl who had me caught up was her....I didn't know her name....she helped me escape from my father....she was kind and beautiful....she was different...and her smile...

Currently I am returning to Texas on an immediate call from the headquarters as the situation of the Mexican borders are not stable....the war can start anytime with the Mexican drug lords....they have a big number of people at their command and a lot of money and weapons

The Mexican government has asked for our help....as of the situation was out of their hands and the united nations also persuaded USA to send relief...so headquarters decided to send the special ,well trained regiment on duty.

I am the general major of united states special service regiment. I am expected to be settled at California after this war as the head of the military there....well I guess then I'll give orders and go in wars less....im not complaining...I have had my share of adventures for a lifetime and so much that now even my seniors want me settled for my good.

Speaking of adventures....I have had many missions in which I had displayed my courage and wit.

I was at my home in California for holiday but it was cut short....as I was asked to come immediately to Texas by the train.

My mother died when I was 4 and my father disowned me and my sister when I was 18

I was specially schooled as I did two or three classes together...it was my father's wish .... so I completed all the necessary studies as well as collage education by 17.

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