|15| "Maybe we're not meant to be together like we want to be."

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Talia's POV

We had just gotten back from the launch of my store Femme 31 and the night couldn't have started off better. It was when we were midway through the evening when it took a turn for the worst. Destiny Simmons. I hated her with a passion and I can't believe Steph dated her. I mean it's not really his fault because he didn't know, but just to think of him touching her, telling her his deepest secrets, and having sex with her burned me to the core.

I was currently sitting in the bathtub trying to calm myself down. The last thing I wanted to do was yell at my baby girls or yell at Steph. But, he should get yelled at. Why didn't he tell me that he saw her yesterday? That bitch always wants what I have and I thought I got rid of her a long time ago once I graduated college. It seems like nothing can ever go the way I want it to. I should have known since everything was too perfect.

Just then I heard the bathroom door open. I knew it was Steph so I didn't even bother to look in that direction. Next thing I knew, he was getting in behind me and slid me onto his lap. My hands were literally shaking because I was so mad. The car ride home was quite awkward and uncomfortably silent. The girls weren't even talking and that was definitely unusual. I know they picked up on my vibe that I was giving off and didn't even say anything. 

"Baby?" Steph quietly said while trying to settle my hands by taking mine in his and kissing the top of my head.

My eyes were starting to water, but I knew that these were angry tears. Thinking of everything that happened between us in college. I thought I was over it, but I guess not. I thought I had gotten past it.

"Not now, Wardell." When I pulled out that government name, he knew that I meant business and that I wasn't in the mood to deal with anything or anyone. Especially when I didn't say it in a playful tone.

"We have to talk about this Talia. Your hands are still shaking because you're mad. Baby, please talk to me." I know he was trying his best, but I seriously did not want to be bothered right now. You could say that I definitely had anger issues. I've always had them and they have always been bad. I never knew how to channel that energy into something positive and I would constantly find myself in trouble with my parents. 

Plenty of times I remember being so mad that I would kick or punch holes in the walls of my closet since I could easily cover it up with clothes so that my parents wouldn't see. I think by now they should have discovered it since I didn't live there anymore. I have no idea what they have now turned my room into. 

"What the fuck do you want me to say? I almost lost our daughters because Destiny called CPS on me multiple times because I was trying to work and would sometimes have to take them with me? She has always been jealous of me because I was her biggest competition. Or the fact that one time Taelynn swallowed something and they took her and Taina until I could prove I was responsible enough to take care of them?" I croaked with my voice breaking. I quickly wiped away my tears before continuing.

I had literally never told anyone that. It almost felt weird hearing it come out of my mouth.

"Or she caused me to lose my internship during my junior year because she lied on me? The fact that I had sex with one of my professors in order to pass one of my classes, because I knew I didn't have enough money to take it again the next semester? She always had it out for me because we were both at the top of the class. She got a job offer from that internship from Wilhelmina Models while I lost mine. Having to become a bartender and that wasn't enough money and I distinctly remember sleeping for two hours in between jobs. That would happen every day. Are you satisfied now? The money that your parents gave me only lasted me for so long."

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