Chapter 13

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A/N I finally got a chance to sit down and write another Chapter. I think it's my best one so far. Please give me feed back. Also my baby boy is now a month old.  :)

Riker's POV

I sat there with the rest of my family in the waiting room Her heart has stopped beating twice now. I don't know how much longer she is going to last. Sebastian did this, I know he did. But how can I prove it? If she dies I don't know what I am going to do with myself. I can't leave for tour now that I know Sebastian will end up killing her when I am away. He has been beating her behind my back and god knows what else he has been doing. I finally looked up at the everyone else in the room, their attention was on me know. Like they knew what I was thinking.

“What?” I asked.

“You were thinking out loud again.” Rydel said. I just looked down and sighed.

“Riker, are you sure he did this?” Dad asked.

“Yes, I know he did. But with her history, no one will believe us. Sebastian just might win.”

“There is no winning when it comes to this. It's not a game. He is screwing around with her life. Did you know he was like this?”

“No, if I knew he was I wouldn't have let her stay with him. I can't lose her again.” I replied with tears running down my face. My mom went to respond when Officer Biggs came over to us.

“Can I talk to you for a minute Riker?” He asked. I stood up and followed him outside. But I wasn't prepared for what came next.

Chelsea's POV

I opened my eyes to find my mom standing over me. I blinked twice, this can't be real. She's dead. She smiled down at me and moved my hair out of my eyes. I went to speak but nothing came out. She grabbed my hand and suddenly the hospital disappeared and I was looking over everyone in the waiting room. I saw Officer Biggs pull Riker aside. I went to follow them but my mom held me back. I watched below as Rydel broke down. I couldn't make out what everyone was saying, the only words I understood was; He'll pay for this. I wish I could reach out to them but every time I tried to make contact I was pulled back.

Suddenly the hospital faded and I was watching Riker and I say goodbye before I left for Canada. I ran off and watched as he cried for hours underneath the tree. He eventually got up and slowly walked to my house and went to the door. It looked like he was going to knock but turned and walked away instead. Next thing I knew I was reliving the time we met up again. They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes. I guess this is it. I guess I am really going to die.

I felt a shock go through my body and I was being pulled away from my Mom. Three more shocks and I was laying in the hospital bed again. I looked around to see the Doctors all around me. Once I completely stable all of the Doctors left except one.

“Chelsea, I'm Doctor Adams. I will be your doctor for the night. There is a few things that we need to go over, but it can wait until you are feeling better.” She said.

“Can we just get it over with? I wanna go home.” I replied, shocked that I could talk.

“I am sorry but I can't allow that. You are hooked up to an oxygen tank right now and can't breathe on your own. Your heart has stopped three times now. It's getting more and more dangerous for us to revive you. If it stops again we won't be able to. Do you understand?” she asked. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded my head and she continued, “We were under the assumption that you had attempted suicide, but the evidence shows that you were attacked. Do you know who attacked you?”

I wanted to tell her, but I knew Sebastian had friends that would do much worse if I rated him out. I shook my head and looked down at the bed. She sighed and shook her head.

“I will let you think more about answering that question. We can't help you if you don't help yourself first. There is one more thing I would like to discuss before we start letting your friends in to see you. Do you want to get some sleep first or would you like to continue with the conversation?”

“Can we just continue, I would rather have one conversation instead of ten small ones.” I answered. I may have snapped a bit, but whatever she tells me next couldn't be worse then what has already happened. She put her clipboard down and sat on the side of my bed. She rubbed my hand and sighed.

“There is no way easy to say this. I've been a doctor for 15 years and it never gets easier. I guess my first question is did you know you were pregnant?” she asked. I froze, I didn't know what to say. Riker and I had only been intimate the once four months ago. I thought back to the past few months and a bit. My period had been really light and I was throwing up a lot, but I figured it was from Sebastian's beatings and the lack of food.

“No, my period was really light and I have been throwing up, but I figured I was just coming down with a cold.” I replied. “How far along am I?”

“I'm sorry, but we couldn't save the baby. He was dead before we got you here. We are going to have to give you surgery to remove him. I'm sorry. I will send someone in to see you.”

“Could you just send Riker in?” I asked laying down on my bed. She nodded and left the room. I hugged my stomach and started to cry. Sebastian would pay for this, even if I had to do it myself.

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