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I have been meaning to update the story for that past couple of weeks but some stuff has been coming up left right and center. My child is now a little over a year and is running everywhere. I do not have the time to sit down and write. When he goes to bed all i do is clean and then sleep. I will try to update in the next couple of weeks. My fiancé and I are getting married this Saturday so I have been running around constantly doing last minute things and will be gone from the Sunday to Tuesday so I may be able to update on Wednesday.  Also my dad who I have not seen in 11 years is now back in my life and I am trying to make it work and rebuild a relationship we lost all those years ago. As for those of you to telling me to update it doesn't bug me as much as it use to and thank you to all those who are telling them to stop. I appreciate it but Its okay now. I do realize I do need to update. But with my Dad, a wedding and a One year old its kinda difficult. If you have anymore questions just leave a comment an I will respond when I can. To those who have messaged me I am sorry i dont respond right away as I do not have the app on my phone as it takes up way to much room on  it., 

I love all of you and to any of you going through a hard time remember to stay strong, Never give up and I love you all

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