Locked out

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     Bakugou kept popping into my mind and just why he would ever be interested in someone like me. I cleaned till I there was nothing else to clean but my room, I probably should start on that. I checked the time and it was almost 4 a.m. I decided I could get a little shuteye and I crawled onto the couch and closed my eyes. I let the darkness take over, I soon passed out.


     I heard banging on the door and as soon I opened it a fist met my face and I stumbled back. "Hey kid." He walked passed me and set his stuff on the floor, he instantly fell onto the couch. "Did you get the beer?" I shook my head and he rushed me to go get some.

     I wasn't gonna leave my sister here so I woke her up, she instantly hopped up and put on a big sweater with tights. I grabbed her hand and I grabbed my wallet from the kitchen. "What your going to? Don't ya want to spend sometime time with ya dad?" He reached for her wrist but I ran out of the house with her. 

     "He's gonna be mad when we get back!" She said as we hurried down the street. "It's okay.. I'll handle it.. Just go to your room when we get back." 

     As we entered the gas station, I went to the back and grabbed a box, my sis came up to me with candy. "Can we get this?" I nodded and we paid and left, she offered me some candy, I just kindly rejected and we continued. "Is everything gonna be okay?" She looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, I have a quirk.. I'm not afraid to use it against him.." 

"But he made a crack last time.." 

"I know but it's the best I got. It's healed it's kinda like when I get a cut.."

"But when you unhardened it was just a huge gash!" She kept yelling and I continued to drag her home, we were a block from our house. She poked my cheek and I flinched away. "It's bruised." 

"I know.." We continued to walked and as I was walking up the steps the door flew open and dad stood there. He grabbed the box and slammed the door on us, I awkwardly looked at my sis and she tried to open the door. "It's locked." 

     I sat on the steps and she joined me. "How long is he going to be here?" 

"I don't know, he always disappears when he wants to.." She laid her head on my shoulder and we stared down the street. We lived on a street that went to a dead end so not many people passed and not many lights so you could see the stars pretty well from here. It wasn't the best neighborhood but I loved this place.

     My sis quietly snored and I waited for the door to open but maybe we would have to stay out here. I saw a guy with a blonde hair he had a black lightning strike in it.. He kinda reminded me of pikachu. He yelled out to me. "You got a light?" 

"No." He made a peace sign with is hand and continued walking down the street. I heard crashing and thudding from inside the house, I turned and looked.  

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