Chapter 17!!!!!

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*one week later*

Ashley's POV

I jumped on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I turned my head and looked at Alice's bed. I rarely see her anymore and we live in the same house!

I got up and looked outside longing to be free. I climbed out and jumped changing into a bat. Unlike most bats only me, Ian, and Shadow can see in our bats form. I remember the first time I met Alice.


'Ian, wake up!' I yelled at my brother trying to shake him awake.

'Five more minutes' he complained pushing me away. I flew back and hit the wall. Now I was getting mad. He didn't even notice he hurt me. I raised my hand and levitated him in the air and dropped him on the floor.

'WHAT THE HECK ASH!?' he yelled at me fuming. I smiled innocently at him.

'Mom said I should practice my levitation skill.' I said inching towards the window.

His face turned turn red and everything was floating in the air. I made a break for it and ran. I jumped outside and changed into a bat. Ian was right behind me.

'MOM!' I yelled dodging tree branches. I heard a scream and I new it was moms. I looked at Ian and looked scared like me. I changed into a wolf and ran towards my mom's scream. I looked behind me and saw Ian follow me.

I bumped into somebody and fell on my but. I looked up and saw Shane. He looked at me and he looked pale. I saw his left arm bleeding.

'Shane what happened?' I said barley a whisper. He looked at me with red puffy eyes, he was crying. Shane is my cousin and we've always been close.

'Ashley close your eyes now!' Ian yelled from behind me and I felt him cover my eyes. I was shaking.

I pushed him off me and he tried his hardest to keep my eyes covered. I finally pushed him off of me and looked in front of me. My mom was on the floor covered with blood and looked pale white. I knew she was dead.

I saw a man five feet from her but he was dead. The man was holding a gun and I looked at Shane.

'What happened?' I barley whispered. I looked at him and his face was covered with guilt.

'I came to late to save her I'm sorry.' He said sobbing silently. Shane's parents had died when he was about one. My mom took him in since no one else would. He's our cousin but he's like a brother to me and Ian.

'It's not your fault' Ian said walking towards him. When Ian turned and walked to Shane he had his back towards me. From behind he looked so much like dad walking away from me. Our dad left us last year and it tore me inside. It felt like everyone was leaving me.

I couldn't take it anymore the pain from loss was too great. I started running I ran hearing Ian and Shane call me from a distance. I heard them getting closer and I changed into a bat flying upwards.

I turned me head and saw Shane and Ian behind me. I heard a gun shot and my arm felt like it was in flames. I started falling down. I closed my eyes and I fell faster I was getting cut by branches and I finally landed.

I opened my eyes and changes back into a human. I was in a pile of leaves and I felt stuck. A head popped out and I looked back at her. She had long black hair and gray eyes. She left and I waited in agonizing pain.

I saw the girl again and she had a bucket of water. She poured it over me and I bit back my scream. She touched my arm and it her fingers felt so cool and I felt less pain.

She moved her hand and looked up at the sky. I looked up too and saw my brother in human form falling right towards me. I closed my eyes waiting for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw him being lifted by water.

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